Alhamdulillah, my eldest son turned 14 today. Still unable to grasp the reality of how times flies. Not long ago, he have to look up to see my eyes or I have too squat down to meet his eye, but now he is taller and bigger than me that I am the one who need to look up to meet his eyes..
I misses those times when he was still a baby, a toddler and a boy where I am his only world; to whom he report everything he did. Yeah, even the silliest and nonsense stuff, LOL! I noticed that ever since he started secondary school, those report become less and less. He still talked about stuffs to me but not as detail as before, hurmm..
Oh crap, I always feel a bit emotional on my kids birthday because it remind me that soon they no longer dependent on me, that they soon will stand they own ground.
Dear my beloved eldest son, never once I regret my decision to keep you and gave birth of you. Having you taught me to be strong in any ordeal and to keep my head up when people looked down at me. Happy birthday dear son! Mama will always by your side and will always pray for your happiness here and hereafter.
My son :D |
Family pic |