Today is 31st May a particular significant day for us, Sabahan people because during this particular day, we celebrated Harvest Festival and I don't need to explain about it ba kan..Considered common knowledge sudah meti ni fact.. So, whoever doesn't know about it deserve a lumpakis (*LOL).. Just kidding kio!
Well, it's been years since last time I celebrated Harvest Festival in my hometown, not because I didn't want to but it because I couldn't afford the flight ticket back then.. How about now? Honestly, I still couldn't afford if the whole family want to go back during Harvest Festival because during this period of time the flight ticket (even AA) paling amahal ooo (@_@).. Ehemm, anybody want to sponsor my family flight ticket ka? In my dream mangkali ada la, hahahaha.. However, I do have this wish/hope that I am going to go back to my hometown during Harvest Festival and hopefully I am able to do so soon (*finger crossed).
To tell the truth, I really miss to celebrate this festival because during Harvest celebration we could hear magagong everywhere! believe me when I said that the last time I heard this art of music, I mean magagong was during my big brother wedding day on 2005. Once upon a time, me too knew how to play tagong tau (*wink2).. Now, I don't know because I never play it since 2001..
Opppss.. better I stop before I start to babble and write another long, long post.. So, I wanna wish all Sabahan wherever you are, all over the world :
Remember, safety 1st, don't drink & drive kio.. kalu mau drive juga, tapau tumpung/lihing/luping back to home & you can drink all you want without worry (*smile)...
Catch you again in my next post ya!
P/S: Entry about PTPTN will release soon after special post for my 2nd son...