" Kenapa tak make-up? Nampak pucat la.."
" Pakai la sikit make-up, baru nampak cantik sikit..."
I am used to all of above sentences and anything that concerned with make-up/cosmetic stuff that I just shrugged at it all the time like nothing but honestly sometimes I do feel uncomfortable and irritates because it kind of killing my self-esteem. You see, I am one of those woman who rarely put on make-up because I don't fancy this make-up/cosmetic thing and I don't really know how to it on my face. Ya..Ya.. I am naive about cosmetics!
The pale me..hmm, do I need make-up?? |
People said, woman and cosmetics are inseparable..Eh, ya ka? Bukan woman and diamond ka itu?? (*scratching head like moron). Ba, whatever la (*laughing like moron before back to serious mode).. My daily cosmetics only consist with oil-free moisturizer, oil-free face powder, mascara (kalu sa rajin la) and lipstick (nude/natural color) but I am okay with just applying moisturizer only. Don't ask me about eye-shadow, eye-liner, eyebrow pencil, foundation, blusher, concealer etc because I am really suck with this cosmetics stuff. Whenever I have make-up on my face, I feel like a sticky mask plastered on my face and I couldn't wait to wash it off my face. Weirdly, I really like to watch woman with make-up.. Sound like I am a stalker huh (*laughing). Don't worry, I am, not stalker. I just like to see their make-up variety.. (*winking)
Haiya! What I am ranting about here?? Like you want to know my incapability in cosmetics stuff kan.. Actually, I am kind of nervous I am going to re-take my JPJ test tomorrow and that's why I feel like want to rants like crazy woman. God help me, I must pass it because I couldn't afford to re-take it again okay! Sorry for posting another boring and crazy stuff and wish all the best for me tomorrow ya!