Last Friday my office turned into a day care for my kiddo (daughter & youngest son) because their nanny asked for leave to attend her kids record taking at their school. My husband also have to attend it, leaving me with the kids.
I have no choice but bringing them along to my office since I have to wait for DHL Currier service to deliver company supply from Japan. My boss don't mind at all since he and the other salesman rarely at office leaving me all by myself most of time. I am lucky to have such a considerate boss =D.. I bet none of you have a kind boss like betul kan..
Actually that was not the 1st time I took them to my office because of the same problem; their nanny asked for 'cuti' yet we never deducted her salary though. My hubby intend to find a daycare for our kid to avoid such thing and we really hope we manage to find one nearby our flat area before end of this month. As a parent, current issues such as babies/toddlers/kids died at daycare center really are terrifying me to send my kids to daycare center but as a working parent, we have no choice but doing so. I only hope those people whom I put my trust to care my kids will do their best to do the task of taking care my kids.
Okay, back to the main story about the exhausted daughter of mine. Well, my daughter refuse to take her evening nap at my office because she I forgot to bring along her 'bantal busuk' which she used to 'gentel' before drift to sleep. So, she played all the time around my office. I knew that she was so tired because she asked too many question and talked lots of stuff. She tended to do that whenever she is tired to avoid herself from falling to sleep.
I persuaded her several time to sleep beside her little brother while waiting for my hubby to fetch us but she was so stubborn. I fell sorry for her because it was my fault for forgetting her most precious pillow. Around 5.00pm my hubby arrived and we went off to Giant to do our monthly shopping..hehehe,baru gaji ba jadi shopping dulu la..
"Ma, kita nak pergi Giant ke?" she asked excitedly. Gezzz, ni budak betul2 peminat Giant.. Her sleepy eyes gone, replaced with enthusiasm. Hahahaha, but that was only for 15 minutes. After that, see what happened to her :-
We wonder why so quite.. Gosh she is sleeping soundly in the trolley |
tskk.tskk..poor Shasha.. |
look at her gaped mouth..sedap betul dia tidur! |
Hubby and I tried to so our shopping as fast as possible because we know how tired our daughter was. She don't even stirred a bit when we placed her into the car and in our house. She was so damn tired!
Okay, that's all for today.. My master-chef a.k.a my hubby is calling me to train my culinary skill so got to put full stop here. Have a blasting Sunday everyone! (^_^) V
P/S: Though I practice every weekend yet my culinary skill still as poor as before.. My master-chef said, seem like I have to be his assistant for longer then he expected..hihihihi