Alhamdulillah, I am really grateful for being able to celebrate Syawal again although we are still under movement control order due to Covid19 pandemic.
This year we were only allowed to visit our relatives on 1st day of Syawal, only 20pax or less were alllowed to be in 1 house depending on the space and we were advised to follow SOP which is no hugging/no shake hand/no chatting in close distance etc. It's kind of awkward not to do all of this but it's neccessary to prevent the spread of Covid19.
Like the past years, we spend Eid Mubarak with MIL and FIL.
Our color theme for this year is gray. I did all the baju raya hunting and shopping virtually since visiting a physical shop is not safe during this pandemic. I feel truly grateful because we still able to buy and wear new baju raya during this hard time where lots of people lost their job and source of income. I pray that cure or vaccine will be found soon so that this pandemic will end soon, Inshaallah...Aaaminn!
Wishing all of my Muslim families, relatives, friends and Muslims all over the world a blessed and meaningful Eid Mubarak. Follow the S.O.P and stay safe everyone!