Friday, September 5, 2014

Belated Birthday Of Mine

My God!!! I m another year older!!! Gentuo oku noh..LOL!

Thanks God for I am still alive up to this moment and blessed me with a good health so that I can look after my kids. 

I am grateful for everything I have; especially my 4 angels. Having them make my life more meaningful and colorful.

I appreciate everything ever happened because all of those have taught me to be wiser, stronger and shaped me to who I am now.

Being able to watch my kids grow up in happy environment and being able to do things I love to do is the best birthday present I ever want. Being with my kids and people who love me, that enough for me :)

Oh wow..macam karangan sandi2 suda, hahaha! Ok, sukup suda sia mimbobok sia rasa..
Good night and Happy Sunday!

Peace from Tunung's Clan :P


  1. update selalu ba moy.. jgn ko layan itu running man seja.. hehehhe..

  2. erghhhh sa pun x updt blog sebb running man oo hahahhaha.... anyway sis stil hot.. hot mama la kata kan.. hehe

  3. Eh sbb running man ka ko nda update blog...hehehehe pandai2 seja si just nie kan...kihkihkih.. Happy belated besday satukali lg moy :)

    1. lin, yg penting bukan sebab tangan x leh lepas henpon yeerrr..hahahaha! Jgn marah ah lin, sia main2 seja :D


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