Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bedtime Story : past, present & future

source : google Image
Hello readers!

Do you still remember all of those bedtime stories your mother told you when you were just a little kid? Well, I definitely still remember some local bedtime story or tangon that my mother used to tell me whenever I faced difficulties to sleep in Dusun language. Most of it was about a ordeal and experienced of  character named as anak-anak. My mother was not as educated as my father so she was unable to read all of those fairy tales books to me but I still loves to hear the her story. That was bedtime story during my years and I grown up listening to those local story before I was introduced to the fairy tales.

Me too read a bedtime stories to my kids sometimes but ashamedly I have to admit that I didn't told them the story I heard from my mother not because I don't want to but because I don't know how to tell it or more accurately I don't know how to translate it into English or Malay correctly.. I tried once but quit after my kids laugh on me over mistakenly used a wrong words.. Kids nowadays are smarter and their thousand question right after I finished reading those bedtime story sometimes choked me..(*sigh)

I wonder what kind of bedtime story will my kid read to their kid in future? Will local story and fairy tales still interest our future generation? No matter what, I hope our future generation will preserve the tradition of reading bedtime story because to me it is one of the effective way to get close to our children. It created a certain kind of biding time with our kids that might be lack in our hectic-pace future generation where time seem not quite enough to grasp their ambitious vision.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year 2011!!

I am not Chinese but this celebration is one of my most awaiting time because I got "Cuti Panjang" during this celebration.

Back at my childhood age, I used to tag along with  my father to "Pekan Ranau" to visit his Chinese friends where I have the chance to watch the lion dance being performed by local people and get ang pow from my father friends.. For a 9 years old girl, I felt it was like watching a Disney Roadshow and win a lucky draw. However, after I reached my puberty ages (I guess when I was around 14 yrs or 15 yrs) I preferred to watch it with my friend than tagged along with my father and got ang pow.. malu konon la

I also loves to hear the sound of  firecracker! prompompompommmmmmm!! It was like music to me yet now this sound really annoy me especially in the middle of night.. See, so many thing changed in me but I still love CNY!

So, I am taking this opportunity to wish all Malaysian who celebrate it a very Happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!!

For my Chinese Friend:-


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