Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not Once But Twice...

Image credited to scaredmonkeys.com
As much as I want it to be the other way but it's fact that I failed my JPJ test again. Now I failed not once but twice in JPJ test part II (slope,side parking and 3 pointer). Crying? Of course I cried because I need to pay to re-take the test and it's not cheap tau.. I swear I can see wings sprout from my money as soon as the JPJ officer blew her whistle, signalling me to stop and get out from the car. "duh, there gone my money again." (*sob2)

I feel like giving up because I was so confident that I can pass it, but unfortunately I did not pass and I can't describe the despair feeling I have right now. I don't know whether want to re-take the test in near future or not because I think I might need some time to get over this failure. I guess I need to take few more hour class concentrating on the 3 pointer part only..(*sighing)

Hubby said not to think too much about it but honestly this failure of mine is the only thing consuming my mind since I got back from the JPJ track this morning. So here I am pouring out my sadness and annoyance over my failure. Do bear with me okay! (*puppy eyes) 

I don't want to tint your wonderful day with my pathetic story more than I already have. So, better I stop this sad ranting but one last request from me; siapa2 yang ada tips macamana mo kasi hilang nervous, please share with me kio! Sound like no big thing but for me it's always got on my way...

P/S: Over-nervous sampai kaki uncontrollably shaking.. (-_-)


  1. sia fhm the feeling. tu la sia trus kasi ignore the licence thingy after siafail duuuluuu.. nyway, jgn la sedih2 aa.. maybe hikmah dia ko kena attend few more classes and improve ur driving skill too.. i wish i have the tips.. but i think ko sendiri yg kena control ur mind spy jgn nerves. buat mcm teda tu jpj punya officer..

  2. ha ha ha.. I know what ur problem ody sis.. keyakinan tinggi da, abis sis cakap, sis yakin konpiden bulih lulus, but still cannot..

    U got the 'test problem' ja ba tu.. semua orang ada tu.. cuba ko imagine, cousin sa lelaki, driving mo 4 tahun sudah, but 1 kali pigi ambil lesen, dia mengulang sampai 4 kali.. rupanya, nebes dia time test tu lain..

    Ko relax ja.. and cari cara untuk overcome that problem.. Sa dapat tengok, ko ok tu driving, but when it comes to 'Test' time, ko failed untuk kawal..

    Sa driving dari umur 12 tahun lagi, but still, waktu JPJ test, lutut sa begegar juga.. But then, I set my mind, this is training.. anggap ja tu jpj macam tutor.. paling best, kalau ada peluang yang pagi2 tu, time to jpj minum2, just pigi betegur dgn dorang, cakap, sa mo kasi hilang nebes.. So, sa perlu becakap2 dengan kamu..

    Sebab normally, kita akan hilang nebes di depan orang yang kita kenal.. ok, telampau suda sa komen ni, pandai2 ko la nanti sis.. ha ha ha.. :D..

  3. Hehe, its okay kadang2 nasip juga tu kn..But klu time JPJ test just seriously ignore about lulus gagal..u just do it the best you can :).
    Sy pn dl test lulus but after 3 months br btl2 berani bw kereta d KL :D..Bepaking tu kereta d rumah 3 months (bgs klu free) hahah..

    You can do it..before u go test ko becerita dl sm siapa2 sana n ketawa2..heheh..br xneves :P

  4. Just: tidak suda sedih ni hari tapi still frust lagi la..Hahaha.. Iya la, hikmahnya sia have to take more class la ni.. =)

    Aki: Time class/training smooth ja sia buat ba..Itu pasal confident gila.. On road, lulus juga walaupun lutut begagar.. Hahaha, betul juga ko ckp, next time sia pun mo set in my mind yg tu test mcm training biasa.

    Tata: Hubby sia pun ckp mcm tu.. He said nasib x bagus. I agreed with u point that I should not take the lulus/gagal too seriously bcos that's what I did and it really hit me hard when I failed.. In future, rather than thinking it as test, i will think it as 1 shot/try praktis..

    P/s: thanks for the tips/advice kio Just, Aki & Tata.. Now I feel less bitter than before! (^_^) V

  5. sa makin nebes mau p ambil license ni tau :(


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