Ya..Ya.. I have to admit that I am so damn lazy lately and I don't even know why though I noticed that daily life pressure is one of the reason.
Everyone is updating their blog post everyday.. Everyone is posting their updated status via Facebook or Twitter.. Everyone is posting their new captured pic via Instagram.. Everyone is so rajin to share anything or everything but me..(@_@)

I think everyone have been through the same phase right? As for me, I was attacked by this so-called laziness too many times that I lost count on it (@_@).. Luckily it doesn't attack my ability to do my work as well..
Fasting?? Yes, I am fasting but honestly this laziness nothing to do with me fasting.. Alhamdulillah, I am able to fast with success so far... Lazy, lazy juga but I am still high-spirited in fasting in order to support my 2 boys effort to make it through the month.. Lagipun, puasa itu satu ibadah kan..(*Upin & Ipin tones)
So, I am taking this opportunity to wish all my Muslim family, relatives & friend and also to all Muslim all over the world, Happy Fasting Month! May all of us bestowed with blesses & goodness..
Until next post, Happy Wednesday everyone!
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