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Seriously, I don't really know what I am going to say or write because I have nothing interesting to share for now (*laughing).. Maybe this is what people said the famous blogging block .. Hmm betul kaitu?? (*scratching head).
Honestly, I don't have any interesting event or fact or personal stuff that I wanted to share so far. Hmmm, BUT, yeah I do have something I want to mention here but as always just a hint because I don't want people to accuse me of being show off. Furthermore, it's still in planning but will be execute after Raya (*finger crossed).
I am planning to buy something for myself again, just to make my daily life easier without bothering other people. Yes, this thing is a bit costly and I need to make another 'buku hutang' for it since I could only afford the down payment. "Na'awi noh iso tutang, om megutang noh kawagu" said my mom.. If only I am wealthy person, I would just pay cash for it because I don't want to be burden by the long-term debt interest (* dream on Tunung!).. 'Hutang' is part of life said one of my relatives (*laughing)..That's all hint I can give for now and you can start guessing now, wakakaka!
Hari Raya Preparation?? Thanks God, I have done my Hari Raya shopping last week, yay! As always we gonna have a simple celebration like the other years. Yes, I am celebrating it here in Malaya with my husband's family and relatives and MAYBE a short family vacation but it's still undecided. Yep, it's depend on our big ma'am (MIL).
So that's a bit here and there about what's going on and what's going to be in my life.. For those who is going through a long journey back to their village, be careful and wish you all a safe journey! Happy Holiday everyone!
P/S: I am writing this while working and taking care of my kids at office...Pingsan @@ v