PJ Half Marathon 2014 was my 1st HM and I participate this event once again this year because I want to improve last year finishing time. PJ Half Marathon 2015 was held on 7th September at Laman MBPJ, Petaling Jaya. It was my 5th HM (
We was late because some road being closed due to the event that caused us to take a quite a long detour to reach the event venue. Mister dropped me by the roadside nearby the starting point and I had to rush to find toilet because 21KM will be gun off in 20min. I was just entering the toilet when they gun off 21KM runners at 5am and managed to sprint to the starting point 2-3 minutes later and joined the last crowd.
The route was totally different and more challenging than last year. I enjoyed the run but those impatience cars, motorcycles and buses that keep honking at us at some congest point really a killjoy. I feel so thankful towards volunteers and police traffic who controlling the traffic for us because if they weren't there, (palis-palis) memang yang tidak penyabar langgar suda tu runners semua.
I was running with slow pace at average 12min per miles and made it to the finish line after 154min; better time than my finish time during PJ Half Marathon 2014. Am I happy? Of course! For an amateur runner like me who always lack of training, finishing a HM below 3 hours, I considered myself doing a good job(^^)V...Ba, jangan kamu muntah, ayat kasi sedap hati seja ba tu, ngehehe!
Okay, regarding the event itself; I think overall it was better than last year. The route is challenging and enjoyable (minus the barking dog when passing along the residential area and those impatience cars/buses/motorcycles), punctual and suitable starting point (at least for me), good traffic control and nice running t-shirt & finisher t-shirt for 21KM.
However there were also several flaw that the organizer should take note and overcome if they want to convince runners to join this event again next year. Firstly, they should increase the number of volunteer/support team at the water stations. Pity us because some of us especially those who run with large crowd, have to serve our own water that add 2-3min to our time.
Secondly, they should be more considerate about providing wider running line for hundreds runner for I saw some runners almost got hit by car/motorcycle for accidentally ousted from the narrow line by other runners.
They also should provided e-cert with ranking and finish time for 21KM and 10KM instead of paper cert that we have to fill up the details by ourselves and they should give finisher medal and light breakfast to all category since the fee was quite expensive. Blank paper certificate is so out-dated! Running event nowadays is getting expensive year by year (*sighed).
The certificate |
Beside that, the organizer should design attractive medal instead of a simple plain one because this year medal is no difference than last year except for the size. Pardon me if I am rude but the medal is so boring, hehehe! Lastly but not the least, please add up the number of toilet at the starting/finish point because I had to queue up for almost 20min and missed the gun off by 2min, grrrr!
Okay, I am finish with the review of this event and sharing here few pic of me from the event:-
The medal, me at the finish line & me wearing the finisher t-shirt |
Screenshot of the result |
The only pic of me by freelance photographer, Maui. Can you spot me? :P |