Showing posts with label National Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Issues. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Are We Promoting Violence


My FB feeds these few days are mostly about the incident of a motor rider harrasing a car driver for not giving signal at the T junction.

Everyone were giving their piece of mind, some critizing the motorcyclist but mostly applausing and praising him for giving the car driver a lesson of her life, which make me a little sad of what our society becoming nowadays. It feel like they are suggesting that violence is okay in certain situation (*sigh).

Yes, the woman (car driver) might be wrong for not giving signal, which might cause tragic accident but resorting to violence is a terrible way of giving a life lesson to others. Scolding, critizing, admonishing etc., even cursing can be use but please don't ever use violence.

I am sorry but I can't tolerate with either people who resort to violence or people who backing/supporting act of violence. I will forever against violence. As simple that. Call me stupid, bias or anything but nothing can change my stand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Auditor-General's Report: RM3.73bil Overspent!

Yes, last night I spent my insomnia time reading the article about Auditor-general's Report and one article  about "Nine Minister or Depts Overspent By RM3.73bil" really caught my attention and wanna have my say over this overspent money since me too tax payer and as far as I knew they got those fund from our tax. 

Image from

RM3.73bil???!!!! That's really a HUGE amount! If we divide those overspent money to Malaysia population which is approximately around 28M to 29M, everyone in Malaysia can be a millionaire and there will still around RM3.7bil to develop our country. But that's just a fairytale wishes since our leader will never think like that. If you read the link that I attached below about this overspent, you too will feel suspicious. Can you imagine how can they paid RM56k for a night vision binocular which price is only around RM2k to RM3k?! This finding make me wonder how terribly 'stupid' those people who handle the purchase of this item because even my 9 years old son knew it is irrational price..Sorry , sound harsh but that's exactly how I think of those people... Its also make me think that corruption might be involved all the way.. Wait until you read about the RM260m overspent by Ministry of Tourism on ads and also the purchased of 23 horses worth RM5.66m by the National Sports Institute.. Revelation like this really make me, a tax payer feel being robbed because the money I paid was not been used wisely but being wasted over something unnecessary instead! As for the excuses by MOE, to me it might acceptable since I don't mind spending more over education as long as they really spent the money on education development purpose!
It's true that we might never know the validity of AG's report but they won't come out with such report if it's not happening. I may not an expert, not even a person of wisdom and people might think that I have those qualification to give my say over this report but to me as a tax payer, who contribute to fund all of those government spending, I think I have the right to say something over this matter. And I say the RM3.73bil overspent really ridiculous and something should be done to avoid such waste as well as preventing our country to bear the burden of debt because of corruption that might involved.

Read below articles for yourself and be welcome to express your opinion.. 

Want more articles/news? Haiya, just google it up okay and you'll find more!
Well, times up for me here. Need to go back to my invoices. So, Happy Tuesday & Happy Deepavali in advance to all Malaysian who celebrates this festival especially Hindu people..

P/S: This is solely my opinion and no political intention here but just my point of view over the AG's report.. I am a neutral when it concern with political view which mean I am speaking only for myself not for anyone else.. PEACE NO WAR! (^_^) V

Monday, June 6, 2011

Whore In Bed?

Image by Mr. Google
Good day readers! Just now I browsed through the net and after reading few article about this VERY HOT TOPIC about a group of Malaysian women launching this "obedient wife club" who urges its member to be "whore in bed" and obey their husband to prevent social ills such as divorce and domestic violence, I can feel this fingers of mine itching to tap on the keyboard and type down my own opinion about this topic. I don't have to provide you the link of this hot topic since you can just copy paste it to your browser & puff, you will see lots of search result over this topic. It's caused an uproar and havoc amongst women! ( I am one of those who feel angry over this deprived suggestion)

Okay, 1st of all, my personal impression; those women should examine their head for thinking such ridiculous solution and they should feel ashamed for degrading a women status, wife especially as low as a "whore". If anybody called me by those horrible word, they will definitely have my hands mark on their cheek, even if those people is my hubby. 

When I think about this club suggestion, I feel like I want to strangle the leader of this club for ever voice out this shameful idea. Yep, according to Islamic law, wife's number 1 priority is her husband (though I put my kids as my priority) but as a wife, we have a right and pride  that a husband should respect. What kind of respect does it reflected when a husband ask his wife to "perform" like a WHORE? Come on, obedience have nothing to do with the way you "treat" husband in bedroom. Moreover, there are no guarantee that a woman can keep her husband from straying away by acting as submissive as a whore and women are more likely being take for granted for doing so. 

Maybe they are just using the word as a metaphor but still the word in humiliating and inappropriate. Maybe what they really mean is as a wife, we should treat our husband "nicely & skillfully" in bedroom.  If they used the term of  "LOVER" rather then "WHORE" maybe people especially a wife like me feel less disgusted with the suggestion. Hmm, Dr.Rohaya, next time please mind your word okay!

However, we are no longer live in a caveman days where the man just pulls the women hair, take her to the caves and have his way because back then woman only regarded as sex toys and breeding media but this is 21 century where women contributes lots more than just being a toy sex and breeding media so there were no word such submission. 

What I think of this club? I am too shy and too "wise" to join this kind of club and there is NO WAY I am ever gonna join this club since I am too self-conscious to mark myself "Obedient wife" when I always have this cold shoulder war with my hubby especially when it's concerned with our leisure time; his-aquarium while mine-books & movies! Well you know, like Tom & Jerry relationship.

My god, I think I rambled out of topic already! Well, my main point is:-
  1. Never ever referred wife as a WHORE even if  you don't meant it and how kind is your intention because there are vast difference between a wife and a whore. A wife is a respectful title but a whore is title of tramp!
  2. Don't just saddle the burden of marriage onto one shoulder.It takes two to make a marriage work. Both the husband and wife should be good to each other. That is how thing wok well.  

- Anybody who feel like a goody shoes obedient wife, please do not hesitate to join this club with shallow mind leader ( please note the sarcasms tone) ..hihihi, PEACE NO WAR (^_^) V

Thursday, April 14, 2011

kematian adik saiful, apa ceritanya?( Headline from GAMIS )

Kematian adik Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee telah menggemparkan Negara. Pembawaan carita oleh media telah mengejutkan semua pihak termasuk saya yang menjadi mangsa kepada penceritaan media berkenaan isu tersebut. Peristiwa berlaku apabila seorang guru agama sebuah sekolah dikatakan telah mendera seorang pelajar berusia 7 tahun hingga menyebabkan kematian pelajar tersebut.(gambar sekolah Al-furqan, tempat kejadian )

Boleh kita baca bagaimana ‘jahat’nya guru tersebut dengan pendedahan media seperti,
“Selepas memukul kepala, suspek dikatakan `naik hantu’ dan menggoncang badan mangsa serta menolaknya dengan kuat ke dinding yang dipercayai punca utama murid itu mengalami pendarahan dalam kepala dan komplikasi jantung” – harian metro- (boleh baca lanjut dengan tajuk, cikgu ambil nyawa )
“Saiful Syazani meninggal dunia selepas tiga hari dilaporkan koma, akibat dibelasah guru yang juga seorang warden di sekolah agama persendirian selepas disyaki mencuri RM7 di asrama sekolah. Dalam kejadian Khamis lalu itu, mangsa diikat kedua-dua tangan pada tingkap dan dibelasah bertalu-talu sebelum dihempas ke dinding hingga menyebabkannya mengalami pendarahan organ dalaman” – JPM Malaysia -
Setelah kita mengikuti kes tersebut melalui media yagn membuat liputan, maka kita telah menghukum dengan rasminya bahawa sungguh jijik dan jahat perbuatan guru tersebut.
Namun disana, saya masih curiga akan kisah yang berlaku. Dengan izin dan kesempatan yang diberikan Allah, telah menggerakkan hati saya dan pimpinan GAMIS ( Akram dan Nazry ) melawat tempat kejadian dan rumah arwah di Jejawi, Perlis. Kami kesana atas kerja rasmi GAMIS dan berkesempatan menziarahi rumah arwah.
Setibanya kami di sekolah berkenaan, ustaz waqar ( sahabat baik kepada guru agama yang dituduh ‘membunuh’)menyambut kami dengan mesra dan penuh ukhwah. Kami terus dibawa kerumah ayah angkat arwah terletak lebih kurang 6km dari sekolah berkenaan. Sepanjang perjalanan, ustaz waqar telah mencerikan kisah sebanar kejadian.
“ adik saiful(arwah) merupakan seorang yang mesra dengan orang. Dia agak aktif disekolah dan pernah menjadi Johan pertandingan azan PASTI peringkat negeri Perlis(gambar hadiah yang dimenangi). Setelah masuk ke darjah 1, dia tinggal diasrama. Namun timbul beberapa kes disiplin sepanjang adik ni tinggal diasrama hinggalah pada kemuncaknya dia didapati mencuri wang rakannya berjumlah RM7. Maka dia telah dipanggil oleh ustaz (yang dituduh) yang merupakan warden asrama ke bilik warden. Ustaz telah bertanya kepada adik saiful tentang kecurian wang rakannya, dan dia mengaku berbuat demikian. Semasa pertanyaan diajukan, ustaz berkenaan telah mengikat kedua-dua tangan adik saiful dibahagian hadapan, bukan belakang. Namun sepanjang berada dibilik warden tersebut, TIDAK ADA penderaan fizikal yang berlaku sebagimana yang dilaporkan.
Sebaliknya ikatan tangan tersebut dibuka setelah ustaz berkenaan ingin keluar dan mengurung adik saiful dalam bilik berkenaan. Setelah 2 jam ditinggalkan, seorang lagi warden, ustaz y telah membuka bilik berkenaan dan mendapati adik saiful terbaring diatas toto sambil menggigil. Mulanya ustaz y mengesyaki adik saiful terkena sawan dan kacing gigi, namun beliau sendiri tidak pasti akan penyakit yang menyerang. Lantas ustaz Y terus membawa adik saiful ke hospital Kangar, namun pihak hospital tidak dapat menerima pesakit kerana banjir melanda Bandar Kangar pada masa itu. Seterusnya adik saiful dibawa ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Star dan terus dimasukkan ke wad ICU.
Pada malam kejadian itu juga ustaz h telah menemui ayah angkat adik saiful dan memohon maaf atas kesilapan dia mengurung arwah selama 2 jam. Sebelum ustaz h pergi kehospotal, dia terkejut dengan berita bahawa adik saiful dimasukkan ke icu, lantas dia terus menunaikan solat hajat”.
Selang 3 hari dari hari kejadiaan, adik Saiful dipanggil oleh Allah untuk mengadapnya pada jam 8pagi hari ahad.”
Begitulah cerita sebenar kejadian kematian adik saiful yang telah diceritakan oleh rakan baik ustaz h. Kami terus pening kerana banyak percanggahan maklumat yang dibaca melalui media sebelum daripada itu. Kami terus sampai kerumah Abang Zamri(ayah angkat adik saiful). Ketibaan kami disambut mesra oleh abang zamri yang kelihatan pasrah dan redha akan ketentuanNya. Adik saiful tinggal bersama keluarga Abang Zamri sejak umur 2 tahun setengah, setelah bapa adik saiful tidak mahu membelanya setelah kematian ibu adik saiful. “ dia seorang yang berani dan tak takut apa yang orang kata. Dia memang keras dan keberanian dia tak padan dengan umur dia” cerita abang zamri.
Setelah setengah jam berbual dengan abang zamri, kami pun memohon izin untuk pulang. GAMIS sempat menyampaikan sedikit bantuan kepada abang zamri atas musibah yang menimpa. Kami doakan agar abang zamri dan keluarga tabah dan sabar menempuh ujian yang mendatang. ( gambar Abang Zamri, senyum tanda terima kasih )
Semasa perjalan pulang, ustaz waqar sempat menyambung ceritanya tadi. Beliau turut mengaitkan kes ini telah menjadi suatu isu politik kepartian kerana sekolah berkenaan adalah dibawah parti PAS. Maka sebab itu, pelbagai cerita pelik yang timbul. Saya rasakan apa yang diceritakan oleh ustaz w adalah benar setelah melihat laporanforensik yang diberitakan bahawa punca kematian adik saiful adalah kerana kekurangan oksigen dan pendarahan dalam otak. Maka pelbagai kemungkinan boleh berlaku, namun nyata sekali tidak ada kesan LEBAM akibat pukulan yang berlaku sebagimana yang dilaporkan oleh media. Lihat laporan ini, meniggal akibat kekurangan oksigen.
Kami juga dibawa melihat bilik warden yang dikatakan tempat adik saiful dikurung oleh warden berkenaan. Bilik tersebut bukan hanya pejabat, bahkan tempat tidur ustaz berkenaan. Banyak lagi persoalan yang timbul disebalik kejadian berkenaan, namun Allah sahaja yang mengetahui kebenarannya.
Apa yang sangat menyedihkan ialah apabila masyarakat telah ‘menghukum mati’ peribadi ustaz berkenaan yang hanya dituduh dan ditohmah oleh media yang sanga berat sebelah. Yang lebih teruk lagi bila politikus menjadikan isu ini sebagai senjata politik hingga mendesak sekolah agama berkenaan ditutup.
GAMIS bukan membela tindakan ustaz bekenaan, namun apa yang kami harapkan ialah keadilan mesti diberikan kepada mereka yang terlibat. Media jangan cepat mnghukum hingga masyarakat pada hari ini memberi tanggapan yang sangat negatif kepada sekolah agama rakyat. GAMIS juga mendesak agar jangan libatkan politik yang melampau dalam kes ini hinggalah mahkamah yang menentukan siapa yang bersalah dalam kes berkenaan. Kita doakan agar keadialan diberikan kepada mereka yang berhak, dan pembalasan yang sepatutunya kepada yang zalim.

Source Of Article: GAMIS

Okay, my 1st impression after reading this article is, "how cliche, they asked us not to judge quickly yet they already decided that the warden is not guilty".
Think wisely Mr. writer, you did mention that based on the medical report, Adik Saiful died because lack of oxygen & internal bleeding yet you also mentioned that the room where adik saiful being held was a room where the warden sleep, so how come the report said Adik Saiful died because lack of oxygen? What cause the internal bleeding? Nobody bleed just like that without a reason..
People can said whatever they want but the truth is only Adik Saiful and the warden himself know what exactly happened on that day.. We can only expressed our opinion but we don't have the right to decided who is wrong and who is right.
To me, I still blamed  the warden because of  his act on confining Adik Saiful for more than 2 hour over stealing RM7 from his friend. No matter what his excuses, Adik Saiful is just a little kid not a criminal to undergo such interrogation.
Everyone has their own say, so do I and I am voicing my opinion because I have a kids too and issues like this really scared me off!


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