Monday, June 6, 2011

Whore In Bed?

Image by Mr. Google
Good day readers! Just now I browsed through the net and after reading few article about this VERY HOT TOPIC about a group of Malaysian women launching this "obedient wife club" who urges its member to be "whore in bed" and obey their husband to prevent social ills such as divorce and domestic violence, I can feel this fingers of mine itching to tap on the keyboard and type down my own opinion about this topic. I don't have to provide you the link of this hot topic since you can just copy paste it to your browser & puff, you will see lots of search result over this topic. It's caused an uproar and havoc amongst women! ( I am one of those who feel angry over this deprived suggestion)

Okay, 1st of all, my personal impression; those women should examine their head for thinking such ridiculous solution and they should feel ashamed for degrading a women status, wife especially as low as a "whore". If anybody called me by those horrible word, they will definitely have my hands mark on their cheek, even if those people is my hubby. 

When I think about this club suggestion, I feel like I want to strangle the leader of this club for ever voice out this shameful idea. Yep, according to Islamic law, wife's number 1 priority is her husband (though I put my kids as my priority) but as a wife, we have a right and pride  that a husband should respect. What kind of respect does it reflected when a husband ask his wife to "perform" like a WHORE? Come on, obedience have nothing to do with the way you "treat" husband in bedroom. Moreover, there are no guarantee that a woman can keep her husband from straying away by acting as submissive as a whore and women are more likely being take for granted for doing so. 

Maybe they are just using the word as a metaphor but still the word in humiliating and inappropriate. Maybe what they really mean is as a wife, we should treat our husband "nicely & skillfully" in bedroom.  If they used the term of  "LOVER" rather then "WHORE" maybe people especially a wife like me feel less disgusted with the suggestion. Hmm, Dr.Rohaya, next time please mind your word okay!

However, we are no longer live in a caveman days where the man just pulls the women hair, take her to the caves and have his way because back then woman only regarded as sex toys and breeding media but this is 21 century where women contributes lots more than just being a toy sex and breeding media so there were no word such submission. 

What I think of this club? I am too shy and too "wise" to join this kind of club and there is NO WAY I am ever gonna join this club since I am too self-conscious to mark myself "Obedient wife" when I always have this cold shoulder war with my hubby especially when it's concerned with our leisure time; his-aquarium while mine-books & movies! Well you know, like Tom & Jerry relationship.

My god, I think I rambled out of topic already! Well, my main point is:-
  1. Never ever referred wife as a WHORE even if  you don't meant it and how kind is your intention because there are vast difference between a wife and a whore. A wife is a respectful title but a whore is title of tramp!
  2. Don't just saddle the burden of marriage onto one shoulder.It takes two to make a marriage work. Both the husband and wife should be good to each other. That is how thing wok well.  

- Anybody who feel like a goody shoes obedient wife, please do not hesitate to join this club with shallow mind leader ( please note the sarcasms tone) ..hihihi, PEACE NO WAR (^_^) V

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