Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sorority Life Games & Me

Yep, I am Sorority Life active player and I am addicted to this games since I first registered with Facebook. That's 2 years ago and I am still loyal to this games though there are lots of games available there. I have tried playing all of those games but nothing can take away my loyalty to Sorority Life.

My profile in SL =P

Why I like to play this games? Actually I don't really have any particular reason but maybe it's all because I can buy and dress up "me" in that games with all the pretty/glamorous attire/clothing in this games, one thing that I couldn't afford in real world. During my childhood years, I used to play with my hand-made paper doll because my parent couldn't afford to buy doll, you know like barbie doll etc. You see it's seem like I want to appease the childhood dream of mine. Plus, I love all the fashion in this games! 

Will I keep on playing it? Yes, why not as long as it is free to play of course! 
Why not playing Farmville? I did played it but I quit because I feel so bored waiting the crops ripe for harvesting plus I know the hardness of being a farmer in real life and I don't think I want to experience it in virtual world too. Did I just whined? 

My hubby once said, " You are 29 years old for  god sake! Yet you play those games of a child"
"I don't see any age limit that prohibit me from playing it," I depended myself. I don't think I should stop playing games I enjoyed just because people think it's for kid. We can keep doing something we like as long as it not illegal and not interfering our other priority. Moreover, there always a "kid" n every single person..

I think sorority life games is better than games such as casino city (which might lure people to gamble), mafia wars and vampire wars (because I hate violence and war). Ya, I know that there are still fight element in sorority life but it all done with fashion competition (in virtual world).However, to me as long you enjoy playing it, you can keep playing it but just don't apply the action in real life okay!

Need to resume working now, so until next rants, have a nice day & enjoy you games of choice in FB or anywhere else. Peace No War! (^_^) v

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