Woahh.. It's almost 3 days since my last update huh? The truth is I have so many thing I want to type down but I have no free time to do so since I am busy with my overload task at office and tagging along my hubby delivering order around Puchong and KL for the past 3 day.
Firstly regarding the Oreo Daddy Dunk Event that I said gonna attend. Guess what? We didn't manage to reach OU on time and missed the event! I was so damn sad and upset with my hubby because it was his fault that I missed the event! It was Father's Day on that day, so it's really mean of me if I explode right? So I just calm myself down and think positively. Moreover, it's not like my hubby did it on purpose. Well, some thing cannot always happened according to our plan. But, yes there is BUT because the story continuous and you have to wait my entry tonight..(*wink2)
My main content for today is about my youngest son who is showing his new side of tantrum that make me so damn worried and irritated at the same time. Since he turned to 2 year old, he always shouting and throwing things to his sibling and even to my hubby and me. Last Monday, he threw my other hand-phone and caused a bump on my daughter head. Before that he threw my hubby hand-phone ( luckily it survived) and before that he threw his food that make my hubby smacked his hand. He even tried to threw his bicycle toward his sister once!
I asked his nanny how was he doing in her care and she told me that he was a good kid and have no problem taking care of him. So I am totally clueless on why he acted like that at home! My hubby said it's normal changes for a toddler of 2 years. Maybe it's true because I have read an article that said at 2 years a toddler became aware of what other people/bigger people can do and they became upset and throwing tantrum when they unable to accomplish those tasks.
I have asked my mother and in law advice and both of them told me to stay calm and don't start panic because they said my youngest son is in a stage of learning a lot of new things that sometime made him upset when he couldn't do it right. They said all I need to do is to observe him so that he will not do something harmful to himself. I even bring him to see a pediatrician and they too said the same things.Well, both advice sound as same as the article I have read.
My daughter also have bad temper but it only show when she was almost 4 years old but my youngest son already show them though he is only 2 years old. Right now I am trying the best to calm down and using a soothing words whenever he is angry and upset (as my mom and in law advised) to avoid any other consequence. However, I miss my smiling prince..(*sigh)
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Happy moment with my prince of smiling |
So, mummies out there, have you ever face the same situation as mine? How do you cope with it? Please comment and share with me ok.. Ya, sa memang muka tembok kalau bab2 minta nasihat, hihihi.. You know, as Malay proverb proclaimed, ' MALU BERTANYA SESAT JALAN' so I have to ask if i don't know and right now I am truly lost.
That's all for now. Wait for my entry about what exactly happened on last Sunday. Adios!
P/S: - I took my 45min morning break to update my entry and stuffing FOOD in my hungry tummy (^_^)V
Relax ko sana, next time ada peluang juga tu..ehhe
ReplyDelete@gunsirit Nasib baik Father's day ba tu hari kalu tidak sa suda kasi kibar bendera merah oo tanda mo perang dingin..hahahaha..
ReplyDeletei think it's normal for all kids at that age, my dhani also act the same..sampai dia pernah buang botol air then kna atas kpala sy, time sedap tidur lg tu..punyala sy tekejut, klu sy ikut hati mau ja sy tampar dia dat time ba...
well, im not a good mom, but i always talk to him about his tantrum, telling him that throwing thing may hurt somebody else which is not good, and it must be everyday..mmg bkin boring jg tu sbb talking & telling d same thing everyday tp that help him to faham & mengerti yg throwing thing is not good attitude,kdg2 dia sendiri cakap tu, mcm dhani, now bila dia nmpk adik dia throwing things @ pukul org (obviously without his intenton sbb dia baru 1Y 3M)dhani would say "adik, no..no..no..jgn buang nnt sakit tau.." ..
p/s : mcm telebih pula suda sy ni mengomen kn...siou..hahaha
btw, knp sy x boleh added ur blog in my bloglist aa? klu sy add kn keluar AVENUE FLM : Libresse & me ,which is lead to someone else page..
ReplyDelete@DiDaSkrg sa punya guna tu cara ja ni sis.. Kalu dia start throwing thing ja, sa ckp baik2. Org tua2 ckp kind word is best for toddler kan. Iya, kadang2 tension juga sbb keep repeating the same word to him. Sa pun far from "good mom" unya title ni sis..hahaha
ReplyDeleteP/S: teda hal ba, tulis ja panjang2 =D
ReplyDeleteuit..betul ka sis..
sa punya url http://hyatimolly.blogspot.com/
tunung, before sia komen... having the same probs as dida... heran jg ni... the feeds prob kali..
ReplyDeleteso far, my son ada jg tantrum dia.. klu dia geram sama toys dia... abis dia baling semua tu... kadang2, pandai jg dia tampar sia.. tp sia mmg pantang oo kena pukul oleh anak ni.. mmg sia marah n tampar blk (tangan). Nangis la dia minta kena pujuk oleh my mom. My mom nda pernah lg sampai tangan sama the kids. Dia ckp makin ko marah n pukul dia, makin lg dia tu. So, mesti mo pujuk secara baik.. hubby sia ada masa ja mau pujuk. Ada masa, malas mo layan.. huhuhu..
n lg satu... c rayyan nda mau main sama adik dia. abis c lily kicil lg ba.. belum pandai mau susun2 kan.. so asal dia siap susun, c lily p kasi rusak ni... kadang2 begaduh la tu.. hahahah.. lucu jg tgk..
walaupun sa belum beranak kan sa faham juga ni sebab kan dulu sa pun menjaga budak kan..sa punya adik and anak buah sa..tukeiiii ogulet neh kepio dorang..
ReplyDeletememang ada masa tu begitu. mengamuk saja kerja ni tia pasal2 kan mau betarik rambut ni sama membigod lagi barang mainan n macam2 lagi. sa mau gila suda jaga dorang ni..hehheh jadi mcm ko ckp kan dorang pun ada masa bh tu ada perasaan mau memberontak..normal tu mengkali kan.mungkin dorng punya fikiran baru mau berkembang bah kan..ko tau la kalau kapasiti budak punya fikiran kan..belum tau apa2 so kalau dorang tidak pandai buat barang dorang bh jadi la tu yang mcm mau merajuk2 tu..heheh cakp panjang sa ni..tapi apa pun kan mau bagi masa sama tu budak ada masa kan ko kasi biar ja dia ni dengan dunia dia.tapi tingu2 la ..jangan pukul kalau dia buat silap..nanti obas gisom tagayo bilang dusun tu kan..heheh pendapat sa saja beh ni
@JustSia pun mcm tu juga moi kalau anak sia membaling brg sama sia..Tu tgn konpem sia lightly smack.. Kalu my hubby, dia ni strict sikit..my mom pun ckp benda yg sama mcm ur mom ckp..Orang tua2 ni suda mkn garam byk ba kan..byk yg dorg ni tahu..
ReplyDeleteHahaha, tgk budak2 "bertumbuk" mmg paling lucu.. Sia kdg2 kasi biar dulu kalu anak boungsu sia sama kakak dia bergaduh tgk siapa yg menang.
@beatyNgam la tu beaty ambil pengalaman sblm jadi IBU.. hahaha bukan masa sa yg terus "terjun"ni bidang..hahahha..