Friday, April 15, 2011

Let it out and cry

Reasons why having a good blub is good for you

Most people will hold back tears or emotional upset so as not to look weak, silly or because they are worried others will perceive it as a loss of control. Crying tears is something which is unique to humans, whether it is tears of joy or sadness. However, having a good cry every once in a while is actually very good for you and can help your emotional wellbeing. We have a look at some of the reasons why letting yourself go and having a good cry can be good for you.

Studies have found that crying can help the body to relax and that once a person has given into their emotions and cried the body changes from a state of high arousal to one that is more relaxed. Breathing slows as does a person’s heart rate and blood pressure can also lower.

Being able to acknowledge your feelings is good for your emotional wellbeing and helps people to deal with them rather than bottling them up. It acts as a release enables you to understand yourself better and deal and recover from stress, anger and sadness naturally. Burying your emotions can also affect your short-term memory.

Crying also helps to relieve stress and get rid of stress hormones in the body. Researchers have found that tears contain these stress hormones which can damage every system in our body, including our brain cells. Crying is a natural way to get rid of these harmful hormones.

It can help to strengthen bonds in humans. When a person cries, they are in a vulnerable state emotionally and the tears cloud their eyes and therefore their judgment. When you are in this deteriorated state someone usually cares for you reinforcing ties and connections between humans.

Tears don’t just contain stress hormones, but many other chemical components. When a person cries it is a normal way for the body to release and rid the body of these toxins and waste material which could potentially harm us.

Crying may also help the body to prevent bacterial growth on the surface of the eye as the tears contain an element called lysozyme. Tears that don’t make it to the surface of the eye, drain through to the nose which helps to keep the nose moist and again the lysozyme prevents bacterial growth in the nose.

Crying can reflect deep feelings within a person and can help them to get over pain or hurt. It’s a valve to release emotions and can help a person’s to get over a sad occasion such as the death of someone. Research have found that crying during a grieving process helps people to look and feel better.

Article source: Life & Style, MSN Malaysia

Beside laughing, crying also have its own goodness.. Me myself prefer to cry to ease out my sadness and disappointment sometimes especially when I cannot bear the burden any longer..
Here in KL, crying is the best way to let out my tension then shouting my lung out like I used to be when I am in my village.

So, my beloved reader don't feel ashamed to cry whenever you feel like you wanna be.. Just let it out and believe me you will feel better after crying, indeed. =)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

kematian adik saiful, apa ceritanya?( Headline from GAMIS )

Kematian adik Saiful Syazani Saiful Sopfidee telah menggemparkan Negara. Pembawaan carita oleh media telah mengejutkan semua pihak termasuk saya yang menjadi mangsa kepada penceritaan media berkenaan isu tersebut. Peristiwa berlaku apabila seorang guru agama sebuah sekolah dikatakan telah mendera seorang pelajar berusia 7 tahun hingga menyebabkan kematian pelajar tersebut.(gambar sekolah Al-furqan, tempat kejadian )

Boleh kita baca bagaimana ‘jahat’nya guru tersebut dengan pendedahan media seperti,
“Selepas memukul kepala, suspek dikatakan `naik hantu’ dan menggoncang badan mangsa serta menolaknya dengan kuat ke dinding yang dipercayai punca utama murid itu mengalami pendarahan dalam kepala dan komplikasi jantung” – harian metro- (boleh baca lanjut dengan tajuk, cikgu ambil nyawa )
“Saiful Syazani meninggal dunia selepas tiga hari dilaporkan koma, akibat dibelasah guru yang juga seorang warden di sekolah agama persendirian selepas disyaki mencuri RM7 di asrama sekolah. Dalam kejadian Khamis lalu itu, mangsa diikat kedua-dua tangan pada tingkap dan dibelasah bertalu-talu sebelum dihempas ke dinding hingga menyebabkannya mengalami pendarahan organ dalaman” – JPM Malaysia -
Setelah kita mengikuti kes tersebut melalui media yagn membuat liputan, maka kita telah menghukum dengan rasminya bahawa sungguh jijik dan jahat perbuatan guru tersebut.
Namun disana, saya masih curiga akan kisah yang berlaku. Dengan izin dan kesempatan yang diberikan Allah, telah menggerakkan hati saya dan pimpinan GAMIS ( Akram dan Nazry ) melawat tempat kejadian dan rumah arwah di Jejawi, Perlis. Kami kesana atas kerja rasmi GAMIS dan berkesempatan menziarahi rumah arwah.
Setibanya kami di sekolah berkenaan, ustaz waqar ( sahabat baik kepada guru agama yang dituduh ‘membunuh’)menyambut kami dengan mesra dan penuh ukhwah. Kami terus dibawa kerumah ayah angkat arwah terletak lebih kurang 6km dari sekolah berkenaan. Sepanjang perjalanan, ustaz waqar telah mencerikan kisah sebanar kejadian.
“ adik saiful(arwah) merupakan seorang yang mesra dengan orang. Dia agak aktif disekolah dan pernah menjadi Johan pertandingan azan PASTI peringkat negeri Perlis(gambar hadiah yang dimenangi). Setelah masuk ke darjah 1, dia tinggal diasrama. Namun timbul beberapa kes disiplin sepanjang adik ni tinggal diasrama hinggalah pada kemuncaknya dia didapati mencuri wang rakannya berjumlah RM7. Maka dia telah dipanggil oleh ustaz (yang dituduh) yang merupakan warden asrama ke bilik warden. Ustaz telah bertanya kepada adik saiful tentang kecurian wang rakannya, dan dia mengaku berbuat demikian. Semasa pertanyaan diajukan, ustaz berkenaan telah mengikat kedua-dua tangan adik saiful dibahagian hadapan, bukan belakang. Namun sepanjang berada dibilik warden tersebut, TIDAK ADA penderaan fizikal yang berlaku sebagimana yang dilaporkan.
Sebaliknya ikatan tangan tersebut dibuka setelah ustaz berkenaan ingin keluar dan mengurung adik saiful dalam bilik berkenaan. Setelah 2 jam ditinggalkan, seorang lagi warden, ustaz y telah membuka bilik berkenaan dan mendapati adik saiful terbaring diatas toto sambil menggigil. Mulanya ustaz y mengesyaki adik saiful terkena sawan dan kacing gigi, namun beliau sendiri tidak pasti akan penyakit yang menyerang. Lantas ustaz Y terus membawa adik saiful ke hospital Kangar, namun pihak hospital tidak dapat menerima pesakit kerana banjir melanda Bandar Kangar pada masa itu. Seterusnya adik saiful dibawa ke Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Star dan terus dimasukkan ke wad ICU.
Pada malam kejadian itu juga ustaz h telah menemui ayah angkat adik saiful dan memohon maaf atas kesilapan dia mengurung arwah selama 2 jam. Sebelum ustaz h pergi kehospotal, dia terkejut dengan berita bahawa adik saiful dimasukkan ke icu, lantas dia terus menunaikan solat hajat”.
Selang 3 hari dari hari kejadiaan, adik Saiful dipanggil oleh Allah untuk mengadapnya pada jam 8pagi hari ahad.”
Begitulah cerita sebenar kejadian kematian adik saiful yang telah diceritakan oleh rakan baik ustaz h. Kami terus pening kerana banyak percanggahan maklumat yang dibaca melalui media sebelum daripada itu. Kami terus sampai kerumah Abang Zamri(ayah angkat adik saiful). Ketibaan kami disambut mesra oleh abang zamri yang kelihatan pasrah dan redha akan ketentuanNya. Adik saiful tinggal bersama keluarga Abang Zamri sejak umur 2 tahun setengah, setelah bapa adik saiful tidak mahu membelanya setelah kematian ibu adik saiful. “ dia seorang yang berani dan tak takut apa yang orang kata. Dia memang keras dan keberanian dia tak padan dengan umur dia” cerita abang zamri.
Setelah setengah jam berbual dengan abang zamri, kami pun memohon izin untuk pulang. GAMIS sempat menyampaikan sedikit bantuan kepada abang zamri atas musibah yang menimpa. Kami doakan agar abang zamri dan keluarga tabah dan sabar menempuh ujian yang mendatang. ( gambar Abang Zamri, senyum tanda terima kasih )
Semasa perjalan pulang, ustaz waqar sempat menyambung ceritanya tadi. Beliau turut mengaitkan kes ini telah menjadi suatu isu politik kepartian kerana sekolah berkenaan adalah dibawah parti PAS. Maka sebab itu, pelbagai cerita pelik yang timbul. Saya rasakan apa yang diceritakan oleh ustaz w adalah benar setelah melihat laporanforensik yang diberitakan bahawa punca kematian adik saiful adalah kerana kekurangan oksigen dan pendarahan dalam otak. Maka pelbagai kemungkinan boleh berlaku, namun nyata sekali tidak ada kesan LEBAM akibat pukulan yang berlaku sebagimana yang dilaporkan oleh media. Lihat laporan ini, meniggal akibat kekurangan oksigen.
Kami juga dibawa melihat bilik warden yang dikatakan tempat adik saiful dikurung oleh warden berkenaan. Bilik tersebut bukan hanya pejabat, bahkan tempat tidur ustaz berkenaan. Banyak lagi persoalan yang timbul disebalik kejadian berkenaan, namun Allah sahaja yang mengetahui kebenarannya.
Apa yang sangat menyedihkan ialah apabila masyarakat telah ‘menghukum mati’ peribadi ustaz berkenaan yang hanya dituduh dan ditohmah oleh media yang sanga berat sebelah. Yang lebih teruk lagi bila politikus menjadikan isu ini sebagai senjata politik hingga mendesak sekolah agama berkenaan ditutup.
GAMIS bukan membela tindakan ustaz bekenaan, namun apa yang kami harapkan ialah keadilan mesti diberikan kepada mereka yang terlibat. Media jangan cepat mnghukum hingga masyarakat pada hari ini memberi tanggapan yang sangat negatif kepada sekolah agama rakyat. GAMIS juga mendesak agar jangan libatkan politik yang melampau dalam kes ini hinggalah mahkamah yang menentukan siapa yang bersalah dalam kes berkenaan. Kita doakan agar keadialan diberikan kepada mereka yang berhak, dan pembalasan yang sepatutunya kepada yang zalim.

Source Of Article: GAMIS

Okay, my 1st impression after reading this article is, "how cliche, they asked us not to judge quickly yet they already decided that the warden is not guilty".
Think wisely Mr. writer, you did mention that based on the medical report, Adik Saiful died because lack of oxygen & internal bleeding yet you also mentioned that the room where adik saiful being held was a room where the warden sleep, so how come the report said Adik Saiful died because lack of oxygen? What cause the internal bleeding? Nobody bleed just like that without a reason..
People can said whatever they want but the truth is only Adik Saiful and the warden himself know what exactly happened on that day.. We can only expressed our opinion but we don't have the right to decided who is wrong and who is right.
To me, I still blamed  the warden because of  his act on confining Adik Saiful for more than 2 hour over stealing RM7 from his friend. No matter what his excuses, Adik Saiful is just a little kid not a criminal to undergo such interrogation.
Everyone has their own say, so do I and I am voicing my opinion because I have a kids too and issues like this really scared me off!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Top jobs only for those who know the language well

Petaling Jaya (The Star/ANN) - It does not matter if you are top of your class or have a string of degrees, that dream job will not be yours unless you can speak and write well in English.
Feedback from local and international employers shows that verbal and written communication skills in English remain the most sought-after attribute in prospective employees.
According to a recent Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) survey, it is the most important trait employers look for when recruiting graduates.
The MEF Salary Survey for Executives 2010 revealed that 68% of the companies surveyed named communication skills as the top quality required in job applicants, followed by working experience (67%), interpersonal skills (56.2%) and passion and commitment (55.7%).
MEF executive director Shamsuddin Bardan said globalisation had changed the nature of jobs, making communication skills, specifically in English, a valuable asset for today's worker.
He added that this was an essential criterion even for professions traditionally seen as backroom staff such as engineers, technical personnel and scientists. It is especially so for those working in multinationals and bigger firms," he said.
Today, our clients are worldwide. In factories, for instance, engineers are a different breed from the past," said Shamsuddin.
Now, they have to be involved in various aspects of business and interact with clients."
Shamsuddin expressed concern that many local graduates today could not speak or write proper English, saying this was a reason why they faced difficulties getting jobs in the private sector.
Kelly Services (M) Sdn Bhd managing director Melissa Norman concurred, noting that six in 10 graduates who attended its interviews could not communicate effectively in English.
The company is one of the top headhunters in the country.
Norman said it was important to master English as it was widely used among the business community, both in Malaysia and internationally.
The Kelly Global Workforce Index survey released in 2010 listed communication skills as one of the top five most desired skills within the corporate sector.
We have encountered local graduates who are weak in spoken and written English and have limited vocabulary," said Norman.
These candidates can only manage to secure jobs in small-medium enterprises and small businesses."
Various industry and business leaders also warned that the decline in English was affecting Malaysia's global competitiveness.
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers President Tan Sri Mustafa Mansur said the young ones who could not communicate in English were unable to negotiate the best deals in business transactions or investments.
We need to send people out to market our products, negotiate deals or get contracts signed. If they cannot communicate well in English, we will lose out," he said.
Pemudah co-chair Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, it was important for civil servants to have a good command of English due to a growing borderless world.
The standard of English also affects the quality of the public sector as civil servants have to interact with international citizens and the business world as well as articulate Malaysia's stand on issues to the international community. These include negotiations on important agreements such as trade agreements."
Noting that the quality of English in the country had declined over the last two decades, former Human Resource Minister Tan Sri Fong Chan Onn warned that the country would lose out to its neighbours that did not teach English in schools previously.
Thailand, Indonesia and China are making efforts to improve their English through their education system," he noted.

Article Source: Yahoo News

In my previous entry about Malaysia being the no.1 in English in Asia I forgot to mention about above fact which is 100% true and should be taken seriously by all Malaysian if they want to be competitive in international career market or least in Malaysia itself.

Google Image
However I do not agree about the statement that only bigger company take note about the importance of English proficiency since nowadays smaller company/business also put their preference over the worker with excellent English as well.

By the way, there is no easy way to learn English but to put behind our own ashamed feeling and uncertainty and just do it despite of what other people thinks. For a start ( hahahaha, based on my own experience ) maybe you should write in English. Notes, diary, recipes, memos or whatever you want to write, just write it in English. Then, you should start speaking the language to accustom yourself with it. You might find it a bit difficult to pronounce certain words but feel free to ask people and DON'T ever feel ashamed if you speak it in wrong way. 

I still remembered my experience over my public speaking during my English class ( matrix ), where I make lots of mistake and make myself look like a fool because some of my colleagues did laugh on me due to my poor English except for my fellow friend Joannie Jomitol, Marini Sulaiman, Falinah Misol & Ramansha. It's really embarrassing but I was grateful to that experience because it's showed how poor my verbal English and since then I start to improvise myself by speaking it on daily basis. Now, I can proudly say I am good in English though not as excellent as some people.

My job is not really a top job but I love my job. I hope my kids will have a better future, a better career and a better life than mine with all my effort with their education plus my strict implementation of English language in their daily life.( Dusun language is one of their must language too. Mana boleh lupa bahasa turun temurun kan.. )

Kids come First

I think I ignored my blog this few days..This time not because I am busy with my beloved books but I am busy to improve my kids achievement in their academic. After being shocked with my eldest son  worst result in his recent test, my hubby and I investigated ( cewah, macam polis pula kan ) the real reason behind his poor achievement and in doing so, I spent less time on posting in my blog.

It's really hard to pull out the truth from my eldest son since he is too afraid to admit his mistake because he is scared of being caned by my hubby or worst he is scared I might hold his pocket money! However in the end he did admitted that he paid no attention in his class and played with his friend while his teacher teaching.. He complaint that he cannot play at home so that's why he played at school!

Image source: Google
To tell the truth, I was so damn mad with him at first because I put my highly hope in him since he is brilliant kid but at last I realized that as a mother, me too contributed to his failure. My mistake for pushing him too hard at home and gave him no chance to play but study all the time.. My hubby said, we shouldn't put too much burden on the shoulder of 9 years old boy!

For the past week, I was busy to re-arrange my kids schedule to make sure they can study but at the same time they have to play and entertain themselves.. I hope he will excel in his exam in her mid-term exam with this "learn & play" schedule to arrange for them.. No matter what, my kids come first above all ( except God ) even my hubby =P

Another updates, remembered the day when I told you all about my sis-in-law engagement day 2 weeks ago? Yes, the one where I was upset because certain people that put me in dilemma whether to attend or not. I did attended and I am gonna tell you people what I learned on that day because this special day of my sis-in-law is the 1st traditional Malay event I ever attend.. Maybe for some of you it's ancient thing but for me it's a new thing so I still wanna share about it.

So wait for my story okay! Bonne nuit everyone!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Video Of hawker at Bangi spitting in soya bean!

I get to know about this video by my sis-in-law..She posted it on her wall and inform us to get a look on it!  I feel I should shared this video to reveal how greedy some people can be when it's concerned with money!

Luckily I already have my dinner while watching this video.. Gosh, it's really horrible and disgusting!!! I will never buy drinks from streets hawker anymore! I realize that not all of them will do the same as the woman ( the heroin ) in this video but still it make me thins hundredth time before buying foods outside again! 
People like the heroin in this video is the cause why lots of people wouldn't dare to buy foods from hawker.. The narrator ( the responsible person who captured this video ) do the right things by posting this video and reveal what kind of person that hawker in this video. Can you believe her excuses when the narrator asked question about her action? Her words won't buy me because logically do she really need to cool down the hot soya bean? I won't judge her further but I will definitely going to ask her if I happen to go that area in near future!
 See for yourself and tell me what do you think..

Sunday, April 10, 2011

GA: hadiah untuk 20 orang bertuah Anjuran MUMMY DANNY

Thanks to Eryati for tagging me along in this GA
The gorgeous Mummy Danny wants to give away 20 gifts to 20 lucky people, so if you are interested to try your luck in this GA, please click the image above or the Mummy Danny link to find out the terms & condition.
I hereby wants to tagged this 5 person with hope they won't shot me for tagging them along.. Hehehe, Peace No War kio Friends!

Okay, Good luck to me and all of those people who join this GA! You, yes YOU too are invited to join along! Well, the more the merrier kan?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Health Or Career? Which One Is Your Choice?

Want to find out if you’re living a healthy lifestyle? Take a profile test to a journey of self-discovery and improvement. #NestleProfiler

What is your answer if people ask you which one yo choose, your career or your health?
Mesti teragak-agak mo jawab kan.. Well, though I might be workaholic but to me I rather live with healthy lifestyle than having a awesome career but in poor health condition.

But to think in logically, health should come first right? If you have a healthy body, healthy lifestyle and healthy environment than only can you pursue an awesome career with awesome figure kan..
People always neglect about their health once they in the line of awesome career because of their obsession to maintain that level of achievement. When they face a bigger problem due to their ignorance of health then only they start to take note of their health.. Bila sakit baru la start pi jogging, pi senaman etc..

Actually, I am one of those people who less care about my health.. hehehe, shameless betul la sia ni kan.. But it's not because of I don't want to tapi sebab malu pasal orang selalu tanya soalan cepu emas whenever I go to jog or exercise.. Want to know what the golden Q is?

" Ai, suda kurus pun mo jogging lagi ka? "
That's it! Terus hilang semangat mo jogging.. Nowadays, I never go to public park to jogging anymore because I only do my own aerobic at home with my kids..It's better because I can spend happy time with my kids who is eager to be my aerobic partner and do some exercises at the same time..

What about you all pals? Health or career? How about the WHO Campaign? Have You support it? Please share your piece of mind with me okay!

Dream Car Of Mine

Haiya! Blank la pula.. Actually I don't know what I am gonna grumbling about today but still I want to babbling..(*sigh)
Okay, lets just talk about something we always do; dreaming! Hahaha, I wanna write about my dream cars! Yes, that's it.. I got an idea after all kan?
I guess all of you must have your own dream car aren't you?
Image source: Google
Since I was old enough to admire the beauty and mechanism of a car ( I guess when I was around 16teen or 17teen years old ),  my heart already captured by this specific car model and since then it become the dream car of mine.
Can you guess it if I give you hints? Well, it's not a sport car, not even a luxury car. It's a four wheel drive, goods car for family, affordable and stylish enough for me! What is it? come on, you can guess it.. You see it everyday on the road..(*wink)
Okay, I think better I give you the answer straight away. Well, my dream is HONDA CRV! ( don't mock me okay because it's really is my dream car! ) So, jangan kasi sogok sia kereta yang lain! Ferrari ka, Lamborghini ka, BMW ka atau kereta2 mewah yang seangkatan dengannya definitely not my dream car ( for now ) though I do love them!
People said, if we want to dream about something, make sure we are able to achieve it so that's why I just put my limitation of dream car with HONDA CRV because I know I can achieve it soon.. I can always dream another type of car after I achieve this one kan... (God Willing)
My hubby and I really have this plan to change our recent car ( Perodua Viva) to a bigger car since it's cannot fit the big family of mine ( rakyat2 sia makin membesar, macam sardin suda tu kereta ). My hubby said, if we can't make it to HONDA CRV, Proton Exora will do..
Hmm.. This coming two years will definitely a time to save more money.. Darn it, I wish I can ask help from Oprah since she is really such a generous person.. Kalau Oprah datang Malaysia, I will be the 1st to come .. Hahaha, really I am such a shameless person kan!
Better I stop here before my rambling bored you up!


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