Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monthly Budget Addition: Milk

Remember in my past post where I mentioned about my dislike of milk or anything that contained with milk?? Never mind, since me too don't remember which post (*scratching my head, LOL). Actually, starting from next month, I am gonna put milk for myself in my monthly budget and I am gonna force myself to drink it though I knew I will hate the taste and it's all for the sake of my own bones health.

Image Credited to Mr. Google
As long as I remember, the only time I have ever drink milk was during my pregnancy of my 4 kids but it also not consistently because sometimes I did skipped from taking it. Tidak tahan saya tu bau oo.. However, I do know the benefit and importance of milk to our health, so I have to bear with the smell. After all, it's all about mind set ba kan. So, I should to train my mind to think the smell and taste of milk is as tasty as ice cream maybe.. Buli ka itu?? (*LOL)

Okay, okay, enough with lawak yang tidak funny, and let me ask you people what is the best and affordable milk for adult?? The only brand I knew is Anlene which is reviewed as good and cheap. Ada brand lain lagi ka yang ok??

Hopefully I can stick to my plan of drinking milk daily.. Saya pandai tu mau kasi tunda2, but hopefully ni kali tidak la. Of course I have not yet feel any back pain for now but precaution is better than cure, isn't it?? So, next month I have to put aside some money for this purpose in my monthly budget. But, investing some money for our health is beneficial enough ba kan..

That's all for today. Gonna take few hour sleeps before waking up again at 2.45am to watch the semi-final match between Spain and Portugal (*winking).

Good night you all..


  1. Ya..Sa sokong tu moi..Minum milk everyday bagus utk tulang kita...Terus kan usaha...huhu...:-)

  2. Iya saya pun tau anlene saja. Mcm ada ba coklat flavour tu . (^^).

  3. Nasib baik sia nda bemusuh sama tu susu. Hehhehe.. Anlene ka nespray ka buli jg baitu kan. Sia suka mkn tu susu tepung nespray mcm tu ja. Hahhahaha..

  4. Actually if u really dislike milk, there is another alternative to taking care of ur bones. Just take supplement/multivitamin containing calcium or any calcium pills on the market. I am doing it exactly nowadays although i am not a milk hater hehehe.. It just because i cant afford to drink milk anymore because nescafe lg sedap lol..

  5. Jue: Poinsikou mandak..

    Anne: Coklat flavor ka, strawberi ka, blueberry ka, kalu ada bau susu ja bikin kasi muntah ba..hihi

    Just: Nah, biar betul ko moy.. mo buat susu anak pun, loya tekak sia terbau tu susu..hahaha

    Stella: I don't anything that look like pills..hahahaha

  6. takut osteoporosis ka, Tunung... lama lagi ba tu. But ya, prevention better than cure.

    Happy Thursday!

  7. @Armstrong iya Arms.. one of the reason juga tu.. Nda best kalu muka nampak muda (hihihi..perasan ja sa kan..) tapi tulang 'tua' suda..hahaha


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