Saturday, August 6, 2011

eBay The 'Lubuk Duit'

Bonjour everybody! How's your weekend? How is your fasting? Aiyo, banyak benor soalan ko ni.. I know..I know.. It's been a while kan since last time I posted an entry to this blog of mine.. Busy ba konon sekarang..

Image credited to Mr. Google
This gonna be a very short entry so lets the story begin... Okay, my hubby started to sell his product via eBay since mid-July and Alhamdullillah, so far the sell is great. No wonder people call eBay as a 'Lubuk Duit'. Thanks Just for suggesting us this method. Really grateful to all friend who advise us. Berkobar-kobar semangat hubby mo menjual di eBay.. No more feeling down as I told you in my entry about poem to cheer up my hubby.

Well, this is our 1st experience selling on eBay and at 1st we did face some problem especially regarding paypal account but now everything is settled. Hubby only checked our eBay account after work hour because he didn't want this part-time business disturb his performance in office and it's really excited to see the accumulated amount increased each day. The only thing that make us irritate with eBay is the "Joy-Bidder" who bid just for fun and never intended to pay for what they bid. Really frustrating when we encounter this people because the only action we can make is blacklisted them and in the end they still keep doing this hobby of them by creating another account.. Haiya, I hope eBay team can look into this matter and find the best solution in future.. Oh ya, I always remind my hubby to make sure that his product must meet his customer satisfaction. I mean, since customer only saw the pics of the product so we must make sure that what customer see is what they gonna get.. Honesty is the best quality that will ensure customer loyalty, betul tak...

So that's all for today. I guess it's just a short boring entry but I promise next time I will post something longer and informative kio.. Hey, how about YOU? Have you tried selling any product using eBay? Share2 experience la kawan..

Good night and sweet dream everyone..


  1. hehe.. si Aki tia brapa paham lagi kalau ebay.. lagipun,si Aki jual perkhidmatan ja.. ^_^.v..

  2. Hello Haryati Molly, you have a beautiful name. Sounds nice pronouncing it.
    For a moment thought you an Indonesian.
    Good to hear your hubby doing well with his Ebay ventures.

    I too hope to sell some of my stuff on Ebay soon.
    But have to find out how to first, ha ha.
    Kopivosian do doungadau. Poimuhok ko daa tomoimo.
    Gompizon no iso nouzou di ginavo nu.
    ps, look forward to your dropping by.

  3. hye haryati.
    saya x ada pengalaman berjualan dalam ebay ni..hehe tapi selalu dengar kawan2 beli dari ebay lah.

    Haryati, ada abang ka sikul di UMS dulu? sorry kalau tidak ngam tempat bertanya ah...:)

  4. wah masuk ebay suda ka? bagus tu..kasi teruskan usaha ahh.. ngam lah kamu kasi blacklist tu user yang tidak bertanggungjawab

  5. @Aki sia sama hubby pun budak baru belajar ba ni aki..

  6. @Uncle Lee Hahahaha, I am not Indonesian.I am pure Dusun woman from Ranau Sabah.

    It's eo easy to sell our stuff on eBay. You should try it very soon..

    p/s: do expect my visit again okay uncle lee..=D

  7. @kay masingan Kami baru juga ni mula berjualan di eBay ba ni.. OK juga tapi yg penting mesti mo jujur la..

    Iya, ada tu abg sia yg belajar di UMS dulu.. Dia tu aktif PALAPES.. Namam dia Peter Dunggi

  8. @beaty baru ja ni sis..mcm ni la kalu mo cari side income..kalau mo harap gaji ja mmg cukup2 ja mo support big family kami..
    ada 2 org suda yg kami kasi blacklisted ni sbb joy-bidder..

  9. duluuuuu ada sia sign up with ebay.. beli brg sana and trying tu sell my old stuff too.. tp time tu malas mo upload2 gmbr ni terus terstop... thinking to start them again.. good luck to ur hubby.. :)

  10. @Just Try la just.. Lambat skit dia punya result tapi once suda start & dpt good feed back mmg ada juga la sell hari2 w/pun x byk..

  11. bagus ka tu tunung? pun mo menjual la...

  12. @Eryati Ok la juga eryati.. Try la berjualan di eBay..

  13. @abglan Cuba jgn x cuba..dah cuba baru tau..hihihi


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