Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wish Upon A Star #2

You must think I want to talk about the 'Wish Upon A Star' (1996) film which starred by Kathrine Heigl but NOPE it's not. I just want to share with you all about my foolishness right after I watched this movie and this is actually sequel to my 1st entry of wishing upon the star.

Image Credited to cartoonstock.com
I was 14teen when I watched this movie and being the naive teenager (though I did know that it was just fiction movie) I still wanted to try out what 'Alexia' and 'Hayley' did in that movie. Well, you know they make a wish upon the shooting star. So, every night I stayed by my window and looked into the sky to see any sign of shooting star but after midnight I closed the window because I was scared of this creature called balan-balan and only peeked through the slits between the window. Gave up? At 1st nope, not until my father asked me one day after waiting for 2 weeks in row.

"Apa juga ko buat tiap-tiap malam tengok di langit," he asked me.
"Hmm..Tiada. Saja-saja ambil angin," I lied because I don't want him to laugh  on me if he knew the reason behind it..
He laughed and said,"Ni mesti ko mo ikut yang dalam tu cerita yang ko tengok tu hari kan." (nah kedapatan!) Imagined how embarrassed I was that time!
"Tidak salah mau harap sesuatu tapi berharap sama Tuhan bukan sama tahi bintang," this sentence woke me up from my foolishness and since then I gave up waiting for the shooting star to make my wish and directed it to God instead.

I have done too many foolish thing when I was younger and I am glad that there always someone who can point out my foolishness and guide me to be on the right track. Yes, my father is right. We can have as many wish as we can but make sure we wish it upon God who can hear out and grant it if our intention is pure enough..

As I told before, I still make wish here and there but I no longer look into sky and wait for the shooting star but I closed my eyes and say it in my heart.. Remembering the young me make me laugh sometimes..So naive..

How about you? Do you have any childhood foolishness that make you laugh every time you remember it? Gonna leave you with this Q, Happy Tuesday & Happy Fasting!

P/S: Remembering my childhood memories make me miss my father very much..


  1. hahahah.. teda sia buat gitu dulu.. mgkin sbb nda brp tgk tv. hahahaha... besa la ba tu kalau msh budak kan.. :)

  2. Masa sya budak2 sya ada juga bnyk wish. Yg pasal shooting star wish tu sya pernah bt time budak2..tp sya lupa suda apa wish saya..haha.. Tiap kali yg sya ingat ialah mau lulus exam ja, tu ja wish sya balik2..hehe..

    Then smpi la sya suda meningkat dewasa wish sya bertukar. Sya tdk lg wish thru shooting star, tp melalui prayer.. :)

    Siok teringat time zmn budak2 kan :D

  3. Haha,si Aki dulu superman!! hm,sebenarnya,Imagination juga yang keep kita growing each day.. Tapi,with some guideline,kita dapat kenalpasti,mana yang patut kita pakai dalam hidup kan??

    Tapi,bila ingat balik time budak2 dulu,memang best.. ^_^.v..

    si Aki pernah tengok di TV,dia training silat depan api,trus campen ni.. si Aki pun berabis membakar sampah di luar rumah,then besilat depan tu api,nda juga campen2.. Hahaha..

  4. Just: Sa paling byk kenangan lucu time budak hingusan ba

    Stella: sa punya wish pun ikut umur juga.. Paling lucu yg sa ingat ialah sa wish spya gumuk sikit..hahahaha

    Aki: Sa pernah wish mo jadi Gaban masa kecil2 dulu..abis tu pokok ubi kayu sa kasi potong2..hahaha
    Iya, imagination help us to grow up ba kan

  5. ada juga kunun tu sa gila2 mau wish ni...hehhehe lucu pula teringat kan...heheh biasa la tu budak2 kan dia punya dream high2 tu...mau ini mau itu..heheh


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