Sunday, June 5, 2011

Thought For The day:- How The Poor Live

Image source: ning network
When I was just a little kid, I dreamed to be wealthy person so that I can buy big houses, can travel all over the world and can have everything my heart desired. At that age I thought money is everything and never crossed in my mind that there are more important thing in this world than money. Yep, maybe it's true that money can buy anything, can even buy your happiness but at the same time money make you blind and less alert with our surrounding.

Lots of people who have more than enough money tended to forgot how to appreciate their wealth and wasted it over trivial thing. Lots of wealthy people forgot to be grateful for their fortune and never give back to the less fortune people. To think of this fact, I am glad and thankful for what I have and achieved right now though I am far from wealthy but at least I earned it with my own sweat.

If people ask me whom I respect the most, wealthy people or poor people? My answer is poor people because to me they are fighter, a hero in the battle of misery. I respect them for working hard just for a bowl of rice. I admired their will to keep on living though they have less than other people.

Ya, wealthy people might earn their fortune by working hard too but over time they will forgot the hardness because they are too accustom to their comfort zone. If they were put into  those poor people shoes , I don't think they will last for even a single day.

Okay, I think I have rants too much already. Before I stop and switch off my PC, I think I'll leave you all with below moral story from to ponder with:-
One day, a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”
“It was great, Dad.”
“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.
“Oh yeah,” said the son.
“So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.
The son answered, “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden, and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden, and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard, and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on, and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us; they have friends to protect them.”
The boy’s father was speechless.
Then his son added, “Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are.”
Enjoy & have a blasting Sunday!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Temper Control

For today, I wanna share this motivation story for all those people who have problem in controlling their temper and hopefully after you read it you will find in your heart the strength to fight those temper from unleash.
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.
The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said “you have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.”
You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there.
Make sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to say something you will regret later.

Article by :
Image From
I have encountered lots of people with a bad temper, who said and did mean things and regret it later when the damage is done. Some of them hardly apologize for the damage they cause and go on with their life without thinking the consequence of their temper to the others. I have to admit that me too have those bad temper years ago, when I was younger, reckless and naive but over years I saw the damage of bad temper done to people emotionally and physically, I matured, wise up and thanks to almighty God I managed to control my temper, got rid all of those temper and replace it with understanding instead.

I don't have particular method how I did it. All I can remember is I just don't want to lose my temper after I witness an incident with horrible consequence of people losing control that terrified me. I cannot tell about the incident because it's not my right. My point here is, I forbid myself from losing my temper by thinking of the those incident and thinking of hurt that I might implicate to others by doing so. Losing control backfires all around - for the person and for those around you! Imagine that.

Not once but many times I was tempted to lose my temper especially among my husband family and relative who likes to look down on me and during negotiation with customer or supplier of my company but I reined it by doing the following:- 
  1. Take a deep breathe
  2. Think of the consequence to other
  3. try to understand them by putting myself to their position - ask question such as why they keep pushing? what they feel if I snap to them and said this mean word? will they forgive me if I did so?
  4. Remember that violence and hurt can't solve anything but bring more of it
  5. think of my loves one - my kids smiling face, of course
It's not easy, but it's not as hard as well. Most important is your heart intention because everything comes from our sincere heart will turn out to be good result.

P/S:- Above is my personal tips on controlling my temper, it's not from expert advice or what so ever and feel free to suggest more ways! Peace No War!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sorority Life Games & Me

Yep, I am Sorority Life active player and I am addicted to this games since I first registered with Facebook. That's 2 years ago and I am still loyal to this games though there are lots of games available there. I have tried playing all of those games but nothing can take away my loyalty to Sorority Life.

My profile in SL =P

Why I like to play this games? Actually I don't really have any particular reason but maybe it's all because I can buy and dress up "me" in that games with all the pretty/glamorous attire/clothing in this games, one thing that I couldn't afford in real world. During my childhood years, I used to play with my hand-made paper doll because my parent couldn't afford to buy doll, you know like barbie doll etc. You see it's seem like I want to appease the childhood dream of mine. Plus, I love all the fashion in this games! 

Will I keep on playing it? Yes, why not as long as it is free to play of course! 
Why not playing Farmville? I did played it but I quit because I feel so bored waiting the crops ripe for harvesting plus I know the hardness of being a farmer in real life and I don't think I want to experience it in virtual world too. Did I just whined? 

My hubby once said, " You are 29 years old for  god sake! Yet you play those games of a child"
"I don't see any age limit that prohibit me from playing it," I depended myself. I don't think I should stop playing games I enjoyed just because people think it's for kid. We can keep doing something we like as long as it not illegal and not interfering our other priority. Moreover, there always a "kid" n every single person..

I think sorority life games is better than games such as casino city (which might lure people to gamble), mafia wars and vampire wars (because I hate violence and war). Ya, I know that there are still fight element in sorority life but it all done with fashion competition (in virtual world).However, to me as long you enjoy playing it, you can keep playing it but just don't apply the action in real life okay!

Need to resume working now, so until next rants, have a nice day & enjoy you games of choice in FB or anywhere else. Peace No War! (^_^) v

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Karyn Bosnak: the successful cyberbeggar

Have you ever heard of this? Maybe yes, maybe not and maybe you even think it's kind of staled tale but the "busy-body & big-mouth" woman in me still want to point out her personal opinion about this person. So ready yourself to read out my rambling. Okay, lets begin with brief introduction of Karyn Bosnak (Info source: wikipedia)

Karyn Bosnak, originally a television producer, raised in the U.S. state of Illinois, who has lived much of her adult life in the greater New York City area. Up until 2000, she had a relatively high-paying job, and wasn't really concerned about going into debt to feed her affection for buying designer-label products. However, when she was laid-off, her credit card debt of more than $20,000 started looming larger every month she was unable to find steady employment.Only then she created the her website named as and became one of the notable " cyber begging ". launched to request voluntary donation from the public. An early version of the site announced "WANTED: $20,000. CREDIT CARDS ARE BAD. Hello! My name is Karyn, I’m really nice and I’m asking for your help! You see, I have this huge credit card debt and I need $20,000 to pay it off. So if you have an extra buck or two, please send it my way... Together we can banish credit card debt from my life." Her request echoed the matter-of-fact style of her initial plea to the online community, which she had made using
Bosnak was not the first individual to openly solicit voluntary donations via the Internet; documented examples go back at least as far as 1998. However, she was one of the first to have a clearly defined goal (rather than "I want money", she stated that she needed a specific amount to eliminate her credit card debt). She regularly updated the site with amounts received and progress made toward her goal. Once she had paid off her debts, as promised, she stopped accepting donations, and instead added links to other sites belonging to other people with specific needs.

Such a interesting story she have here aren't she? She manipulated people compassion and generosity with her blunt confession of bad credit card habit and most people think she is genius to think such way to settle her debt without even working. Nay, to me, I don't she is not that genius at all because "begging" for money cannot even fit the word genius! To me she is just as sly as thief for "robbing" out people mercy from those who need it the most (orphaned / bed-ridden / refugee / war victim etc.) yet I understand her motive on doing so. However, she is right about one thing that it's better if she asked for help from those who willing to help than doing something illegal to clear out her debt.

However, I think she is a very good blogger/writer! I read through her Original site & her current site and found out that her regular candid and often humorous writing. entertaining and inspirational. I already read her book and gave her 2 thumb-up! Nowadays she is not a cyber-beggar anymore but she more into persuading / urging people to donate to welfare organization such as UNICEF, animal haven, Oprah's Angel Network etc as a give back in return of people generosity in helping her.

To tell the truth I think I am a "cyber-beggar" too because I keep begging you people to read my "boring" post and keep asking you people to comment! Hahahaha! Okay, please do comment, comment and comment!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Harvest Festival 2011 !

eCards Sabah Harvest Festival
Grab this eCards from

First of all, "Kotobian Tadau Tagayo Do Kaamatan" to all Sabahan people, especially to my beloved families, relatives and friends. Everyone must be having a great time during this anticipated event except for those who stuck here in Penisular Malaysia just like me. I am pretty jealous with my blogger friends who live in Sabah because they can attend any event held in conjunction of this big event.. (*sigh)  

However, I am having these dreadful feeling toward this upcoming June since lots of rumors/news were spreading that the price of RON95 and milk powder will be increase. Though it  not yet official but still I already make a new monthly budget to ensure we will not run out of cash and apparently I have to make lots of cut down and adjustment to our monthly expenses if those two stuff really does increase. If this two stuff increase, there will be no wonder price of other stuff increase and that mean another wave of inflation!Just thinking of the word of inflation will give me a terrible headache. I just hope that it will not cause more problem to arise.. God willing, Amin!

Well, I don't want to spoil your mood of Kaamatan celebration. I just want to remind us the reality that awaiting us ahead in June yet like most people, I keep praying the miracle to happen, that government will find a way to help Malaysian citizen ease down our burden. There is no wrong in praying for miracle right?  OPPPSSS, I think I should stop now before I start grumbling like a granny =P

Last but not the least, to all Sabahan, Don't drink & drive, remember your love one, safety 1st! Cheers! Kiiihaaa!!!Aramaitei!!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Libresse & Me

Female reader won't have any problem to guess what is it but male reader might clueless, so just to clarify it, this entry is about sanitary pad called "Libresse". Yep, it woman stuff but male reader are welcome to read and comment. Who know you might suggest it to your wife, girlfriend or even friend who have trouble with their recent choice of pads.. Just think of it as common knowledge, okay! (*Wink)

Actually I want to about this since last March but I am being diverted by other issue and I was kind of already forgot about it. However, while I am thinking of what topic I want to rant about today, coincidentally  my eyes wandered to the corner where I keep my pads a.k.a treasure box and remind me of my delayed intention to share about my opinion of Libresse. It's better now or never. Moreover I am really flush out of idea right now.

I was loyal user of Laurie brand before I switched to Libresse and I been used it from  the 1st time I got my period (when I was 15 years old ) until December last year. Such a long time huh? I have tried many other brand such as Kotex, Whisper, carefree etc., but only for short period of time and in the end I will go back to Laurier because I feel comfortable with it though it did have flaws that always irritated me.

Last January, I tried Libresse for the 1st time and just like that I fall in love with it. In fact, I should say I love it from the very 1st piece I used! It's no really wonder for me  because I feel an extreme comfort & confidence with Libresse, something I never feel during those years with Laurier. The unique designed of "split rear" at the back that close fit to my butt really work for me. Seriously, I always worry about my pads being "senget" even with Laurier yet I never once think about it after I used Libresse. Before I used Libresse I always avoid wearing a tight pant/trouser during my menstrual cycle but now it not a problem anymore because Libresse make me confident to wear anything fit even white in color..

One more feature I love about Libresse is the easiness to wash/clean it because unlike Laurier it do not have polyacrylate gels. I know not all woman do this because I do have a girl friend who think of washing the bloody pads is a gross task to do but I was taught by my mother to always wash/clean my used pad before dispose it. My mother told it is necessary to avoid the ghost of "balan-balan" from smelling it. However I know now that it is merely a scare tactic though "balan-balan" did exist. From what I learned, it is compulsory for muslim woman to clean up their pad  before disposing it for hygiene purpose. 
Jeng3x.. The content of my treasure box..Ahaks!

I used Libresse Maxi Night Wing at night and Libresse Maxi Non-wing during daytime. I am satisfied with both of it and the price is quite cheap than other brand. Well, you can  read more about each type from Libresse Malaysia .

Nope, this is not a paid review. This is merely my personal opinion about this product. You know, I merely want to express my satisfaction with this product. I am not even want to influence anyone but I just think that it's a good thing to share about something as good as this product. It's what we called as " sharing is caring"! No matter what it's up to you to decide the best for you, am I right? 

P/S: If people ask me to choose Pads or Tampons? My answer is "I am pads lady".

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Oprah Show & Me

I have watched this show since I was 9 years old though not live on TV but I have to rent the VCR (video Cassette Record). Ya, you know we don't have ASTRO during that period of time and The Oprah show only broadcast once a week via TV1 or TV2 ( can't recall which channel ) so the only option is renting the VCR. Nowadays, thanks to ASTRO we can watch it live on tv but unfortunately after 25 years being the most watched show, The Oprah Show officially bade it farewell on 25/05/2011.. 

Image By
I am gonna miss this show very much because via this show I have get to know lots of amazing people who with amazing life experience, especially those who managed to rise from their downfall and outshine people around them. The host, Oprah herself is one of the amazing woman and I really adore her for her contribution and effort in lots of humanity works especially her effort to bring awareness about children abuse.

There are lots of unforgettable moments in this show and one of my favorite episode is the one titled "Is War The Only Answer?" which aired from November 2002 until March 2003. It was well known as Oprah's Anti-War Series and during this period of episode, Oprah discussed the pro and contra of America declaring war as a payback to the destruction of 9/11 and in the end of the episode, she concluded that declaring war will only cause more destruction than it already did. I hate war to violence. To me, war & violence could never solve anything but only spread hatred and cause more violence to surface. 

I believe million, or maybe even billion fan will gonna miss this show and its incredible host. I visited this show Official Website and read lots of love & farewell messages posted by fans all over the world to Oprah and me too did posted my farewell message to this show..Hehehe, I am not going to share what I wrote and if you want to know, you have to find it by yourself.

I couldn't claimed myself as The Oprah Show Baby as Dakota Fanning claimed but I did grow up watching & inspired by this show and Oprah herself. I even keep her word and quotes as my own "talisman" to keep my head up during the years of turbulence in my life and here are some of my favorites quotes from the show:-
Where there is no struggle, there is no strength
Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough
Turn your wounds into wisdom

This Show ended but it doesn't mean that Oprah will disappeared from the screen because she will running her own network, OWN.. Great, isn't it ? It's mean she can continue her mission to inspire others life and battle her very much concerned problem of child sexual abuse. I don't know whether OWN is available in our area and I am gonna find out later, but we still can watch it via OWN official website. My hubby said, you can always watch it via youtube..

Okay, time to get back to my pending task on my table.. Such a relief to share this hollow feeling over the finale of The Oprah Show... Walahei, ketara betul emo kan, pasal talk show pun buli sedih..tsk..tsk.. 

P/S: Is "The Late Show With David Letterman" still on air? Maybe I can switch to this talk show for the time being.. It was my father favorite talk show..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Date With Honeypot Wax Boutique


Yes, I am gonna have a intimate date with "Honeypot Wax Boutique". Don't start guessing! Keep reading this entry and you will understand what is it all about.. (*wink)

honeypot wax boutique
Actually, "Honeypot Wax Boutique" is the place where I am gonna have my Brazilian wax by the experts. No, not today..Not even next week but my appointment a.k.a date with them is gonna be next month ( date not yet fixed ). 

I know all of you especially gals/women know what is Brazilian wax and I am not going to explain it here, but yeah you can always google about it right? I just want to share why it's really important to me to have this appointment.

For  your information, I used to wax my legs, arms, upper-lip and underarms by myself without an experts help. I have done it for years and I dare to call myself an expert too.. Hehehe,  only when it come to wax myself since there is no way I dare to wax any living things but myself. However, this time I am gonna need an expert help since I intended to wax my private part due to hygiene purpose.

Image By Mr. Google
During my teenage year, I don't have to really worry about it since I was not really that hairy back then but after gave birth of my eldest son, I started to either trimming it with scissor or shaved it off because it started to a bit bushy down there. I was content with this two ways of "maintaining" the look of my private part until I started to have this itchiness every time I shaved it off especially a day after shaving it off and it really make me feel uncomfortable. So I tried not to shave it anymore but only trimmed it with scissor yet the same problem still occurred  and the hair down there is getting rougher.. tajam macam wayar suda rasa dia,ehhh.. So, now straight to the point, the real reason why I want to do it because  according to my friends who have done Brazilian waxing down there said, that the hair will eventually gets softer and thinner every time it grows back.

Frankly, I really wanted to try this Brazilian waxing for quite some time but I always find excuses not to do it due to my embarrassment.. Hish, malu  ba kan kalau orang tengok.. Yea, it's might be painful but I think I can  bear the pain but I don't think I can bear the embarrassment! Weird since I already have 4 kids and 3 or more people ( nurses and doctors, excluding my hubby ) already seen me down there! Geeezzzz! However, this time I will really go for it.. One of my friends said, I should get one before I turn 30 yet here I am almost turn to 29 and still never done it! Nah, tunggu la next month they can't longer tease me about it any longer..

I realized that in Islam, it's prohibited to allow other people than ourselves or our spouse to see our private part ( doctors/nurses excluding since they are doing it for medical purpose) but pardon me because I am just a woman who wanna look beautiful (including down there ya), plus my  hubby already granted me a permission and the experts also a female..

I better stop before I rant out of topic.. No matter what, the date with Honeypot Wax Boutique stand and no way I am gonna back off this time.. Any comment is welcomed ! (^_^) V

P/S : I didn't notice that I am blushing red while typing this entry, not until my boss asked, " something wrong? You face is tomato red!"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Little Notebook With Thousand Memory

My little notebook..
This morning I was rummaged through the kitchen cabinet when I found something belonged to me that missing few years ago wrapped with newspaper & hidden among the dishes & glassware. It used to be my handy notebook where I pour out my sadness, my disappointment, my tears  & my wishes but I lost it and never able to trace it until this morning. (Actually, it was an autograph book that I turned into notebook)

I stopped my activities, go the living hall and started reading whatever I've wrote down in the note book and then the tears started to pour unconsciously. Every single words written in this book reminded me of my hard time during the early years of my marriage. Every pages was written with a poem that pictured my feeling during those year and the content was really personal to me. I lost track of time while reading it and I don't even notice that I cried out loud until my hubby asked me, " What happened? Why are you crying?'
"Nothing important. It's just that this note of mine make me cry." I explain to him.
"What note? It's must really touching if it make you cry." Hubby teases me.
"This note," I showed it to him. 
"How did you find it?," he asked me with guilty look on his face.. Nah, kedapatan suda siapa yang kasi tapuk..
"I found it in our kitchen cabinet, wrapped with newspaper & hidden very well among the glassware," I said to him before adding, "it's okay. I don't mad at all but this note is really personal. I am just glad I found it again." 

Years ago, I was too shy and ashamed to share my problem especially something concerned with my marriage with other people including my family that caused me to undergo a very critical emotion breakdown. Then a friend of mine advised me not to bottle up my feeling/emotion to myself. She said if I can't talk about it, I can write it down in a book or maybe a piece of paper to ease down the pressure in my heart and mind. This kind of therapy really worked for me and this note is one of the media where I channel my worries and problem..

Unlike most people who preferred to burn this kind of books/note/diaries, I keep all of mine not because I can't let it go but more about the sentimental value to me. This little notebook really hold thousand of memory that I will cherish. Though most of it about the bitter time I've encountered but still it's precious because I learn a lots of lesson during those bitter day of mine..

What will you do if you found something that remind you about your misery? Will you burn it or maybe bury it or will you keep it as a reminder that you are a survivor? 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Newspaper From Year of 1953

My sight is no longer blurry since I got my supplies of contact lenses yesterday after work-hour. I stock up to 6 pairs of contact lenses to avoid any trouble and I also ordered a new pair of spectacles just in case something like yesterday incident happened. 
For today I just wanna shared about this old newspaper that my mother in law got from one of her relatives/friend which is in fact look like a relic to me. I don't know exactly which news company owned it because the front page is totally damaged but from my research via online, I think it was special edition which is for the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II, the mother of Prince Charles on year 1953.

My mother in law said she had the newspaper for quite sometimes but she forgot about it and only remember about it when she found it among her loads of antique stuff in the storeroom while cleaning up the storeroom. She have to throw away some of her collection to make room for her new entry of collection. Can you imagine how many collection she have? I wish that my camera have not out of battery that particular moment so that I can snap a pic of the storeroom and share with you all, so that you will not call me bluffing.

Though the newspaper is 58 years old (based on the year of published), it's still in good condition. Besides the damaged front page, the other pages is remarkably good. However, you have to be very careful in handling it because it can easily torn apart. My hubby did tear apart a page or two due to rough handling that caused my mother in law cried out saying, "Ehhh..Pelan-pelan selak, nanti koyak!"

Some of the advertisement in this old newspaper caught my attention especially about the sewing machine from SINGER because back at my hometown, my grandparent did  have one just like one in the advertisement! Gosh, I never thought that sewing machine was that old. I wonder whether they still keep that sewing machine..

There are lots of fascinating articles in that old newspaper and several pages also mentioned about the coronation ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II at the Westminster Abbey.. I took sometimes to read that newspaper because I feel intrigued by its content.

Okay, here is some of the pic my hubby snap few days after the discovery of the old newspaper.
This page is about the scenery inside the Westminster Abbey On the Coronation day
I hit the google search button with above title
This page is about the Royal Consort

Dunlop is that old indeed?

Can you guess what is the "thing" above? hehehe..

The sewing machine 3rd from the left is same as my grandparent sewing machine back at Ranau

The list of England Kings & Queens

Article about the Crown Jewel & Regalia

Guess who was that little boy in above stamp? That's was Prince Charles!



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