Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Date With Honeypot Wax Boutique


Yes, I am gonna have a intimate date with "Honeypot Wax Boutique". Don't start guessing! Keep reading this entry and you will understand what is it all about.. (*wink)

honeypot wax boutique
Actually, "Honeypot Wax Boutique" is the place where I am gonna have my Brazilian wax by the experts. No, not today..Not even next week but my appointment a.k.a date with them is gonna be next month ( date not yet fixed ). 

I know all of you especially gals/women know what is Brazilian wax and I am not going to explain it here, but yeah you can always google about it right? I just want to share why it's really important to me to have this appointment.

For  your information, I used to wax my legs, arms, upper-lip and underarms by myself without an experts help. I have done it for years and I dare to call myself an expert too.. Hehehe,  only when it come to wax myself since there is no way I dare to wax any living things but myself. However, this time I am gonna need an expert help since I intended to wax my private part due to hygiene purpose.

Image By Mr. Google
During my teenage year, I don't have to really worry about it since I was not really that hairy back then but after gave birth of my eldest son, I started to either trimming it with scissor or shaved it off because it started to a bit bushy down there. I was content with this two ways of "maintaining" the look of my private part until I started to have this itchiness every time I shaved it off especially a day after shaving it off and it really make me feel uncomfortable. So I tried not to shave it anymore but only trimmed it with scissor yet the same problem still occurred  and the hair down there is getting rougher.. tajam macam wayar suda rasa dia,ehhh.. So, now straight to the point, the real reason why I want to do it because  according to my friends who have done Brazilian waxing down there said, that the hair will eventually gets softer and thinner every time it grows back.

Frankly, I really wanted to try this Brazilian waxing for quite some time but I always find excuses not to do it due to my embarrassment.. Hish, malu  ba kan kalau orang tengok.. Yea, it's might be painful but I think I can  bear the pain but I don't think I can bear the embarrassment! Weird since I already have 4 kids and 3 or more people ( nurses and doctors, excluding my hubby ) already seen me down there! Geeezzzz! However, this time I will really go for it.. One of my friends said, I should get one before I turn 30 yet here I am almost turn to 29 and still never done it! Nah, tunggu la next month they can't longer tease me about it any longer..

I realized that in Islam, it's prohibited to allow other people than ourselves or our spouse to see our private part ( doctors/nurses excluding since they are doing it for medical purpose) but pardon me because I am just a woman who wanna look beautiful (including down there ya), plus my  hubby already granted me a permission and the experts also a female..

I better stop before I rant out of topic.. No matter what, the date with Honeypot Wax Boutique stand and no way I am gonna back off this time.. Any comment is welcomed ! (^_^) V

P/S : I didn't notice that I am blushing red while typing this entry, not until my boss asked, " something wrong? You face is tomato red!"


  1. Ok Madam Red Tomato, count on me. Let's waxing waxing!

  2. tried shaving once but that was the last ever! Let me know the result kio.. :D

  3. @Wyne @ Mouren Mauve
    hahaha, suda tua pun buli blushing lagi kan sis.. Ba, let's waxing, waxing!

  4. doi gia..apa lagi yang kamu suda kawin rasa malu.. saya lagi 100x malu ni..heheh


  5. @beaty
    mandak, malu2 kucing ba kunun ni..hehehehe..

  6. Go for it!! you sure are going to love the experience. I'm getting it done again in the next few weeks. And yeah.. part of the religion thing, I certainly have no say. But still waxing is much better than shaving. Especially the itchy part. To my surprise, no itchiness after waxing.


  7. @MY Definitely will going for it MY!


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