Friday, May 6, 2011

Is Durian Season Around The Corner?

I don't know whether it is yet Durian season but apparently I saw lots of people selling it at the road side for the past few weeks. Some said the season is supposed to be between June to August every year.. Psstt, can anyone tell me when exactly is Durian Season? 

I am not really Durian lover but still I likes durian as much as I like any other fruits though I can't eat as much as other people due  to my high blood pressure. 

Smelly But Tasty!
In my family of six, only my youngest son don't have any feeling towards this king of fruits. In fact, he despises even the smell of durian! Whenever my hubby buys durians, the kids and me will gather like a swarm of bees attracted to the smell of honey yet my youngest son will flea with those funny expression like he smells something awful and shouting "YUCK!"

Durian Feast!
I wonder whether he can changes his dislike toward durians in future since me too have the same feeling like him years ago but thanks to my beloved father, I learned to like this fruits. Orang cakap, bau saja tidak boleh tahan,makan tengok...

Okay, wanna share some fact about Durian fruit that we should know:-
  • Durian has been called the King of Fruits because of its enormous size (about 1 foot long), heavy weight, and the amount of fruit it contains.
  • Durian has a famously strong smell, and is therefore banned from most public places in Southeast-Asia, including hospitals and trains. When travelling, it's always humorous for Westerners to see a 'no durian' sign posted beside the 'no smoking' signs! Animal, particularly Orang Utan, lured to the smell of durian fruit from over half a mile away! 
  • Durian is a generous natural source of magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, folate, thiamin, and other elements often missing from our on-the-go diet of processed foods. So, durian fruit is good but nutritionists recommended people to eat it in moderation, one serving at a time. Hahahaha, susah mo ikut ni recommendation kalau minat makan durian kan..I thinks most Malaysians will think this nutritionists "cakap banyak".
  • Durian fruit claimed to be addictive because it contains a high level of tryptophan - an essential amino acid found in chocolate - tidak hairan la it difficult to put away once opened.
  • In Indonesia durian fruit considered a strong aphrodisiac because the high level of estrogens found in durian fruit is thought to make women more fertile. 
  • Do Not Drink With Durian Fruit! Consuming alcohol after eating durian causes the blood pressure to rise! ( Ada orang cakap, minum kopi pun tak boleh lepas makan durian, betul ka itu? )
  • Because of its weight and sharp spikes, falling durians kill a number of people every year (for this reason, newer hybrids have been developed to make durian trees less tall)
Well, I have to be cautious whenever I eats durian fruit especially when I am really into the mood of eating lots, ya lots of them though my hubby will stop me from eating more when he noticed risen of color over my face. Yep, when my face turn to bright red it's indicate that my blood pressure is rising and it's siren the warning of "ENOUGH & STOP".. ( kadang2 rasa macam light-headed lepas makan durian banyak2). One thing for sure, I drinks lots of water after eating durian & stand-by my medication in case I need it..

I guess lots of you have your own experience with this king of fruits right? Mind to share it with me? 


  1. Dekat kampung saya ramai meninggal sebab durian :(

  2. Dekat kampung saya ramai meninggal sebab durian :(

  3. Moi, belum lagi musim tapi memang ada suda berjualan durian dengan harga yanggggggggg sangattttt mahal!!

    Uh, baru-baru ini sa beli durian, satu biji noh tp harga dia RM50!! Gara-gara anak mau mkn bah ini so beli saja lah

  4. @Yaya
    Sadisnya kan.. X pasal2 mati sbb durian.

  5. @Wyne @ Mouren Mauve RM50 satu biji??? biar betul ba moi? Saya rasa besar mengkali tu buah durian kan.. Kalau tidak pun mesti dia punya gred yg baikkk punya =)
    Patut la tu harga masih mahal kan, belum musim lagi pula.. Yg sa beli 1kg RM6, 4 biji ja sudah RM25 sy bayar..


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