Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I loves sharing story that touch my heart because I think it might touch and enlighten others heart as well. This is an inspirational story I extracted from
Okay, the story begin like this :-
One fateful morning, a little boy saw his mother crying.
"Mom, why are you crying?" he asked his mom.

"Because I'm a woman" she told him.

"I don't understand," he said.

His mom just hugged him and said, "and you never will." Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason" was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

Finally he put in a call to GOD. When GOD got on the phone the man said, "GOD, why do women cry so easily?"

GOD said:

"When I made women she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly. This same sensitivity helps her to make a child's boo-boo feel better and shares in her teenagers anxieties and fears.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfaltering.

I gave her a tear to shed, it's hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed. It's her only weakness; it's a tear for mankind." 

Most people probably think that tears are definitely woman weakness. Men even considers tears as woman weapon in certain circumstance yet to me it depend on the situation.
I can't denied that some woman using their tears as a weapon to gain their desire/ goal since it did happened around us everyday. 

As a woman, I did appreciate that God give me tears because via tears i can express lots kind of feeling.. Whenever a woman shed tears it can be the tears of  joy or tears of sadness or maybe tears of happiness or even maybe tears of silliness.. no one can tell unless that particular woman explain the reason of her tears though it might be even without reason at all.. 

Actually my point is woman are a very sensitive being that can easily touch by simple thing.. We shed tears even it have nothing to do with us because we care about mankind.. So I guess maybe that's what God mean by the remark of " tears for mankind". That's what I understand by the story above though. ( Allahu Alam )

What do you think? I will be delightful to know what you think so please feel free to leave your comment kay!...

P/S: Hubby always tease me for shedding tears over a tragic drama on TV..

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