Fuhhh.. Seriously, I am so tired because hubby and I keep going out non-stop from morning till dusk searching for tailor shop that still accepting order and thanks God that we manage to get one via my hubby friend.. Only now, I have a time to post an entry before I go to bed since you know, tomorrow we are starting to fast for 30 days and I need to wake up early to prepare 'sahur' for my family.
As I told before in last year entry about My 8th Ramadhan, I like 'Bulan Ramadhan' and every year since I learn to fast I anticipate this month like a little kid anticipate a candy. But every Muslim and Muslimah all over the world are anticipating this sacred month, aren't they?
Image by Mr. Google |
This year, my second son said he want to fast for the whole month without skipping a day. As a mother, I am proud to hear that though I know that he is not yet fully understand the significant of fasting month and hoping that he can achieve what his goal. To tell the truth, hubby and I don't really have a proper religious education especially me who is just a naive 'Mualaf" and we are glad that the religious school that our kiddos attend able to teach them about anything related to Islam, especially things that we don't know.
Okay, I got to stop now since it's almost 12 midnight. To all Muslim all over the world:-
Walk humbly
Talk politely
Dress neatly
Treat kindly
Pray attentively
Donate generously
May ALLAH bless & protect us!HAPPY FASTING EVERYONE!