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First of all, "Kotobian Tadau Tagayo Do Kaamatan" to all Sabahan people, especially to my beloved families, relatives and friends. Everyone must be having a great time during this anticipated event except for those who stuck here in Penisular Malaysia just like me. I am pretty jealous with my blogger friends who live in Sabah because they can attend any event held in conjunction of this big event.. (*sigh)
However, I am having these dreadful feeling toward this upcoming June since lots of rumors/news were spreading that the price of RON95 and milk powder will be increase. Though it not yet official but still I already make a new monthly budget to ensure we will not run out of cash and apparently I have to make lots of cut down and adjustment to our monthly expenses if those two stuff really does increase. If this two stuff increase, there will be no wonder price of other stuff increase and that mean another wave of inflation!Just thinking of the word of inflation will give me a terrible headache. I just hope that it will not cause more problem to arise.. God willing, Amin!
Well, I don't want to spoil your mood of Kaamatan celebration. I just want to remind us the reality that awaiting us ahead in June yet like most people, I keep praying the miracle to happen, that government will find a way to help Malaysian citizen ease down our burden. There is no wrong in praying for miracle right? OPPPSSS, I think I should stop now before I start grumbling like a granny =P
Last but not the least, to all Sabahan, Don't drink & drive, remember your love one, safety 1st! Cheers! Kiiihaaa!!!Aramaitei!!!!