This morning I wake up with a terrible flu! I hate flu especially when it come with running nose and watery eyes! Rasa macam mo bergulung macm tenggiling ja.. Hubby said no need to go to office if I am sick but being the stubborn + workaholic me, I just ignore it..Haiya, I will feel bore at home and end up cleaning up rather than resting. So I think better I go to office and settle my pending task.. At least I can do video conference with our supplier and chatting with them..tidak la keburingan..(*wink)
My hubby did scolded me saying, "Awak ni, sakit-sakit pun nak pi kerja juga! Kalau jadi teruk, saya juga yang susah!"
I understand his worries because he is concern about my blood pressure so I replied,trying to soothe him, "alah, kerja kat ofis tu tak susah pun. I can always take a break/nap if I feel sick or something. I don't like staying at home alone la Ling."
Yep, I am one of those woman who don't like being a 24/7 housewife! I like working though my family is still my priority. Lots of people go to work because they feel like they have to in order to support their family but in my case, I go to work because I like working at being paid for working. I enjoy doing anything (excluding illegal/bad thing) as long as I have something to do. That is why I have no problem when I change my career from being a chemist to administration/accounting executive.
My hubby complained to me one day, "I never heard you complaining about your work. Awak tak pernah rasa tension ke kerja kat sana?"
"I only feel tension with those demanding customer but I never feel like hating my job," I told him honestly since I do feel tension during work hour especially when I have to face with customer with "royal" demand but I enjoyed myself doing my job.
Lots of people especially those who work in lowest of career hierarchy tend to hate their job. But to me, we should love or at least enjoy doing our job and think positively though our job might be not as glamor or high-pay as other job. When we enjoying our job than only we can work happily, betul tak?
However, I never bring back my job at home no matter how urgent it is! That's my rule in my career. I rather stay back and finish up the task at office (limit = 8.00pm) than bringing it back at home..Home sweet home bah! I will never ever want to become like the cartoon below (touch wood):-
Image by Mr. Google |
No matter how much I like working, like others me too can't hardly wait for Friday! On Friday my lunch hour is longer than other days, on Friday I can go back earlier than other days and on Friday less customer calling for inquiries or quotation or even purchasing stuff from my company!
Alamak! I think I rants out of topic already..hihihihi..Well, my main point here is I like working but still I appreciate my weekend and off day very much because I can spend it with my family especially my kiddos.
Okay, got to stop now because hubby already signalling me that he want to use the PC. Have a wonderful weekend you all! ciao...(^_^)
P/S: Actually hubby want to try creating his own business card with Businesss Card Star as suggested by Just in her entry about The Importance Of Business Card. Thanks for sharing kio moi!